API (Academic Programs International)

API (Academic Programs International)

APi Logo

API Abroad offers study abroad and internship programs in nearly 20 countries around the world! Programs include full-time tuition and fees, housing, medical and life insurance, local social activities, overnight and day excursions, pre-departure and on-site orientations, on-site staff, language tutoring, and more! API advisors are available to help answer your questions and to help you find the perfect program. You can contact API by phone (1-800-844-4124) or chat with us on our website weekdays from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST, or by email anytime or schedule a one-on-one meeting/advising appointment with API representatives:

Julie Leitman

Vice President,
University Partnerships

Emily Nagle

Regional Director,
University Relations


Click for Chat/Advising from 5:15-7 PM with Julie and Emily
& Information Session at 5:30-6 PM with Emily


API is here for you this Spring!

SMC Latin America Returnees Reflect

Molly Wyatt – Mendoza, Argentina


Videos from our Resident Directors:

API’s RD’s are Here for You!


API Internships and Career Readiness Tools:

API International Internships Overview


API Special Resources (Research tools):

API Program Finder


API At A Glance Brochure 2021:

API Brochure 2021