Department Operations

It is the Mission of the Saint Michael's College Public Safety to partner with our community to create a safe and inclusive campus and provide comprehensive services to meet the diverse needs of our students and employees. With dignity and respect, we will foster positive relationships and fulfill the mission of our college.

Public Safety Patch

Saint Michael’s is located in the town of Colchester and falls within the jurisdiction of the Colchester Police Department (CPD). All incidents on campus which qualify as serious crimes are reported or referred to the Colchester Police.

Saint Michael’s borders the City of Winooski, and maintains a cooperative arrangement with the Winooski Police Department (WPD) as well.

Public Safety has a strong working relationship with our local law enforcement agencies and routinely exchanges information relative to the security and protection of campus and the surrounding neighborhoods.

About Us

The staff of Public Safety are made up of uniformed non-sworn Public Safety Officers along with Dispatch staff. Public Safety and Switchboard/Dispatch services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week year-round. Officer’s patrol campus on foot and in cruisers regularly and are the first responders to all campus requests for service and emergencies. Public Safety Officers will often assist the local law-enforcement agencies along the east area of Colchester to include College Parkway and Fort Ethan Allen.

Public Safety and Dispatch patches includes 3 gold stars in the design that symbolize the department’s commitment to Service, Community and Respect.

Public Safety Dispatch patch

Switchboard Dispatch Center

Dispatch patch

Telephone and Dispatch Services is the communications center for campus, also know as Switchboard.

Located in the Sutton Fire House, it is staffed 24 hours a day and provides the Saint Michael’s community with skilled dispatchers, answering a daily average of 650 calls including all calls for Saint Michael’s Fire and Rescue.

Other services include:

  • Answering calls from emergency phone boxes
  • Answering live safe tips and or requests for service
  • Coordinating assistance for people with vehicle problems on campus
  • Helping students get doors unlocked to their rooms or certain labs
  • Providing information about campus events and activities
  • Directing calls to community members
  • Administering keys to contractors

The numbers we use:

  • Campus emergencies: 911 or 654.2911 (x2911)
  • Non-emergency calls to Public Safety: 802.654.2374 (x2374)
  • Telephone & Dispatch Services direct: 802.654.2000 (or “0” when on campus)

Annual Security Report/Clery Act

Saint Michael’s complies with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Title II, Public Law 101-542), amended most recently on March 7, 2013.

This act requires post secondary institutions to disclose information regarding their campus security policies and statistics of criminal offenses reported to the Campus Security Authority. Saint Michael’s Annual Security Report is distributed to all current students and employees, and to any applicants for enrollment or employment upon request. The report is posted here and on the campus portal. Statistical data is posted to the Department of Education website as required.

2024 Public Safety Annual Security Report

2023 Public Safety Annual Security Report

2022 Public Safety Annual Security Report

2021 Public Safety Annual Security Report

Stop Campus Hazing Act

Saint Michael’s complies with the Stop Campus Hazing Act (SCHA) of 2024.

This act requires post secondary institutions to:

  • Maintain Hazing policies with information on how to make a report of hazing, the process used to investigate hazing incidents, and that promotes hazing prevention and awareness programs
  • Include all Hazing incident statistics in Annual Security Reports starting in 2026.
  • Post the annual SCHA report to this website annually and with updates twice per year.

Saint Michael’s College policy on Hazing can be found in the Student Code of Conduct that is issued to each student at the start of each Academic year and available online in the Student Portal. Educational programs are wide-ranging and on-going throughout the academic year in all areas of campus life to include Athletics, Student Activities, and Residential Life among others.

The SCHA report only contains reports of Hazing that have been reported, investigated and substantiated. The details of this report include:

  • The name of the student organization involved
  • A general description of the violation that resulted in a finding of responsibility; and
  • Related dates (the date of the alleged incident, the date of the initiation of the investigation, the date the investigation ended with a finding, and the date notice was provided to the organization of the finding)

2025 Stop Campus Hazing Act Report   (Placeholder, report to be published July 2025)

Crime & Fire Log

The purpose of the daily crime and fire log is to record all incidents, alleged incidents and fires that are reported to SMC Public Safety. The log contains records of all such incidents as well as some services provided by SMC Public Safety. This log is available upon request and serves as Saint Michael’s College’s Crime Log and Fire Log, as required by the Clery Act. Fire data is also reported in the Annual Report.

About the Log:

All entries in the log contain information about what type of incident or crime occurred, the incident number it has been assigned, the date and time the incident was reported, the date and time the incident occurred (if known), the general location of the incident, and the disposition of the incident. Some common incident dispositions used in the log, and their definitions include:

  • Active/Open/Under Investigation – The incident is currently under investigation or otherwise still in-process
  • Complete – The incident is not currently under investigation by SMC Public Safety. Note that incidents may be re-opened after being closed under certain circumstances
  • Campus Citation – The incident resulted in a citation issued by SMC Public Safety
  • Judicial Referral – The incident was referred to the campus judicial board
  • Residence Life Follow Up – The incident report was determined through investigation to best be followed up on by Residence Life

The disposition will also include information about whether a subject has been trespassed.

In accordance with federal law, SMC Public Safety may temporarily withhold information from the crime and fire log if:

  • The disclosure is prohibited by law;
  • The disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim;
  • The disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing investigation;
  • The disclosure would jeopardize the safety of an individual;
  • The disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection; or
  • The disclosure would result in the destruction from evidence.

Information withheld from the crime and fire log may only be withheld so long as its disclosure could cause a specifically identified adverse effect (from the list above), and the information will be disclosed once the adverse effect is no longer present.


Drug Free Schools Act

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulation, Saint Michael’s College is providing this biennial report detailing its review of the effectiveness of the College’s alcohol and other drug (AOD) education and policy enforcement programs. Saint Michael’s takes seriously its responsibility to adhere to DFSCA regulations, and the College does not permit or condone the illicit or unauthorized possession, use, consumption, sale, or distribution of prohibited drugs and/or alcohol by students or employees on College property or as part of any College-sponsored activity. The College likewise takes seriously its commitment to empathy and care for those individuals facing substance use disorders.

2024 Saint Michael’s Drug Free School Act Report

About Us

The staff of Public Safety are made up of uniformed non-sworn Public Safety Officers along with Dispatch staff. Public Safety and Switchboard/Dispatch services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week year-round. Officer’s patrol campus on foot and in cruisers regularly and are the first responders to all campus requests for service and emergencies. Public Safety Officers will often assist the local law-enforcement agencies along the east area of Colchester to include College Parkway and Fort Ethan Allen.

Public Safety and Dispatch patches includes 3 gold stars in the design that symbolize the department’s commitment to Service, Community and Respect.

Public Safety Dispatch patch

Switchboard Dispatch Center

Dispatch patch

Telephone and Dispatch Services is the communications center for campus, also know as Switchboard.

Located in the Sutton Fire House, it is staffed 24 hours a day and provides the Saint Michael’s community with skilled dispatchers, answering a daily average of 650 calls including all calls for Saint Michael’s Fire and Rescue.

Other services include:

  • Answering calls from emergency phone boxes
  • Answering live safe tips and or requests for service
  • Coordinating assistance for people with vehicle problems on campus
  • Helping students get doors unlocked to their rooms or certain labs
  • Providing information about campus events and activities
  • Directing calls to community members
  • Administering keys to contractors

The numbers we use:

  • Campus emergencies: 911 or 654.2911 (x2911)
  • Non-emergency calls to Public Safety: 802.654.2374 (x2374)
  • Telephone & Dispatch Services direct: 802.654.2000 (or “0” when on campus)

Annual Security Report/Clery Act

Saint Michael’s complies with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Title II, Public Law 101-542), amended most recently on March 7, 2013.

This act requires post secondary institutions to disclose information regarding their campus security policies and statistics of criminal offenses reported to the Campus Security Authority. Saint Michael’s Annual Security Report is distributed to all current students and employees, and to any applicants for enrollment or employment upon request. The report is posted here and on the campus portal. Statistical data is posted to the Department of Education website as required.

2024 Public Safety Annual Security Report

2023 Public Safety Annual Security Report

2022 Public Safety Annual Security Report

2021 Public Safety Annual Security Report

Stop Campus Hazing Act

Saint Michael’s complies with the Stop Campus Hazing Act (SCHA) of 2024.

This act requires post secondary institutions to:

  • Maintain Hazing policies with information on how to make a report of hazing, the process used to investigate hazing incidents, and that promotes hazing prevention and awareness programs
  • Include all Hazing incident statistics in Annual Security Reports starting in 2026.
  • Post the annual SCHA report to this website annually and with updates twice per year.

Saint Michael’s College policy on Hazing can be found in the Student Code of Conduct that is issued to each student at the start of each Academic year and available online in the Student Portal. Educational programs are wide-ranging and on-going throughout the academic year in all areas of campus life to include Athletics, Student Activities, and Residential Life among others.

The SCHA report only contains reports of Hazing that have been reported, investigated and substantiated. The details of this report include:

  • The name of the student organization involved
  • A general description of the violation that resulted in a finding of responsibility; and
  • Related dates (the date of the alleged incident, the date of the initiation of the investigation, the date the investigation ended with a finding, and the date notice was provided to the organization of the finding)

2025 Stop Campus Hazing Act Report   (Placeholder, report to be published July 2025)

Crime & Fire Log

The purpose of the daily crime and fire log is to record all incidents, alleged incidents and fires that are reported to SMC Public Safety. The log contains records of all such incidents as well as some services provided by SMC Public Safety. This log is available upon request and serves as Saint Michael’s College’s Crime Log and Fire Log, as required by the Clery Act. Fire data is also reported in the Annual Report.

About the Log:

All entries in the log contain information about what type of incident or crime occurred, the incident number it has been assigned, the date and time the incident was reported, the date and time the incident occurred (if known), the general location of the incident, and the disposition of the incident. Some common incident dispositions used in the log, and their definitions include:

  • Active/Open/Under Investigation – The incident is currently under investigation or otherwise still in-process
  • Complete – The incident is not currently under investigation by SMC Public Safety. Note that incidents may be re-opened after being closed under certain circumstances
  • Campus Citation – The incident resulted in a citation issued by SMC Public Safety
  • Judicial Referral – The incident was referred to the campus judicial board
  • Residence Life Follow Up – The incident report was determined through investigation to best be followed up on by Residence Life

The disposition will also include information about whether a subject has been trespassed.

In accordance with federal law, SMC Public Safety may temporarily withhold information from the crime and fire log if:

  • The disclosure is prohibited by law;
  • The disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim;
  • The disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing investigation;
  • The disclosure would jeopardize the safety of an individual;
  • The disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection; or
  • The disclosure would result in the destruction from evidence.

Information withheld from the crime and fire log may only be withheld so long as its disclosure could cause a specifically identified adverse effect (from the list above), and the information will be disclosed once the adverse effect is no longer present.


Drug Free Schools Act

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulation, Saint Michael’s College is providing this biennial report detailing its review of the effectiveness of the College’s alcohol and other drug (AOD) education and policy enforcement programs. Saint Michael’s takes seriously its responsibility to adhere to DFSCA regulations, and the College does not permit or condone the illicit or unauthorized possession, use, consumption, sale, or distribution of prohibited drugs and/or alcohol by students or employees on College property or as part of any College-sponsored activity. The College likewise takes seriously its commitment to empathy and care for those individuals facing substance use disorders.

2024 Saint Michael’s Drug Free School Act Report