SMC is now Tobacco Free

In the Spring of 2015, The Tobacco Free Task Force at Saint Michael’s College adopted a tobacco and smoke-free campus policy to make SMC 100% tobacco-free effective September 1, 2016.

Please contact the Bergeron Wellness Center with all questions and concerns:

Anna Leavey, PMHNP-BC
Director of Student Health Services
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Why Tobacco Free?

We have known for the last 50 years that people who smoke cigarettes are much more likely to develop, and die from, certain diseases than people who do not smoke. More than 20 million Americans have died from smoking related diseases since the first Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health was issued in 1964. We also know that there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. Of the 25 million deaths related to smoking, 10% (2.5 million) were from exposure to secondhand smoke.

Furthermore, we know that nearly all tobacco use begins during youth and young adulthood. In fact, if a person does not smoke by the time they turn 26, they will almost certainly never smoke. College is a time for the growth and development of our young adults, and it is a critical time where many lifelong habits, both healthy and unhealthy, are formulated. Becoming a college campus that is tobacco and smoke free is no longer considered a novel idea, but rather quickly becoming a national norm. To date, over 1500 college campus’ nationwide have committed to being tobacco free.


Saint Michael’s College Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy


Saint Michael’s College is committed to providing a healthy working and learning environment for the entire campus community. To that end, a tobacco-free campus shall be established. The purpose of this policy is to reduce harm from tobacco use and secondhand smoke, provide an environment that encourages persons to be tobacco-free, and promote a campus culture of wellness.


College property: All college-owned property, which includes but is not limited to college grounds (including North Campus), campus buildings, residential buildings, parking areas, walkways, recreational and sporting facilities and college-owned vehicles

Tobacco use: Use of all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, shisha, pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes, and all forms of smokeless tobacco including but not limited to chew, snuff, sticks, strips, and orbs.


Saint Michael’s College is a tobacco and smoke-free campus. This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors and visitors. The use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, vapor pens and all smoking products are not permitted on any college-owned property.

The sale, advertisement, distribution, and sampling of all tobacco/smoke products and tobacco/smoke-related merchandise are prohibited at College properties and its owned, leased, or operated buildings.

Institutional Review Board approved research on tobacco or tobacco related products is not covered by this policy.

Smoking and/or tobacco use may be permitted for traditional ceremonial activities of recognized cultural and/or religious groups.


Educational information and smoking cessation services, programs, and resources are available to students, faculty and staff through Student Health Services and the Office of Human Resources.

Roles and Responsibilities

It is the shared responsibility of all members of the campus community to respect and abide by this policy.

Administrators, deans, directors, department chairs, supervisors, and event sponsors will communicate the policy within their areas of responsibility.

Saint Michael’s College will provide access to tobacco cessation resources to SMC students and employees.

Visitors refusing to comply with this policy may be asked to leave campus.


The successful implementation of this policy depends on the courtesy and cooperation of the entire campus community.

Appropriate signage will be posted in campus facilities, on the SMC website and elsewhere to inform members of the campus community and visitors of the Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy.

The policy will be communicated in appropriate college publications and contracts. College publications include but are not limited to electronic notifications, handbooks, brochures and other college-generated materials.

This policy shall be effective on September  1, 2016. Compliance with this policy is expected.

If an individual has a difficult time complying with this policy, he/she should talk to a supervisor or the Division of Student Affairs to access resources for stopping tobacco use.


For more information about the Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy and/or tobacco cessation resources and services, contact Student Health Services at 802-654-2234.

Saint Michael’s College appreciates your compliance with this policy for the benefit of everyone deserving access to a campus that promotes health and well-being for all.


On Campus:

Call 802-654-2234 to make an appointment at the Bergeron Wellness Center

  • Free counseling
  • Nicotine replacement products
  • On campus support groups through partnership with 802 Quits Vermont

Off Campus:



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Free mobile apps to help you quit:

Quit smoking now and stop for good (iTunes)
This is the stop smoking app that science built. Over 20 different, evidence-based, techniques to help you become – and stay – smoke free. See how much money you’ve saved, how many cigarettes you’ve not smoked, how long you’ve been smoke free, how much life you’ve regained and how your health is improving.

quitStart is a free app made for teens who want to quit smoking, but adults can use it too. This app takes the information you provide about your smoking history and gives you tailored tips, inspiration, and challenges to help you become smokefree and live a healthier life.


SmokefreeTXT is a mobile text messaging service designed for adults and young adults across the United States who are trying to quit smoking. The program was created to provide 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips to help smokers quit smoking and stay quit.

How will it be enforced

It is up to everyone to help spread awareness and make this policy successful. If you encounter someone using tobacco on campus, you might find the tips in the following acronym helpful in approaching that person.

S – “Smile” introduce yourself.
M – “Make” the assumption that the person doesn’t know the policy.
O – “Offer” resources for tobacco cessation.
K – “Kindly” remind the person of the tobacco-free policy.
E – “Enforce” the policy: ask the person to stop using the tobacco on campus.

Pocket cessation cards will be available at the Bergeron Wellness Center. These cards may be given to anyone seen using tobacco products on College property as a reminder.

Making sure the same language is being used with faculty, staff, students, contractors and visitors about the policy ensures a firm, polite and compassionate message. The following scripts provide useful examples on how to address someone using tobacco on campus.

Tobacco Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a(n) [position/student] here with Saint Michael’s College. Are you are aware that we don’t allow the use of tobacco products of any kind on campus? Please respect our policy and put your cigarette (or cigar) out and dispose of it in a trash can. I also wanted to let you know that there are free resources here on campus to help you quit tobacco if you are ready. Visit the web site for more information. I really appreciate your willingness to help us keep our campus tobacco free.”

Smokeless Tobacco Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a(n) [position/student] here with Saint Michael’s College. Are you aware that we don’t allow the use of tobacco products of any kind on campus? Sometimes people don’t realize that our policy includes smokeless tobacco. Please respect our policy and dispose of it in a trash can right away. I also wanted to let you know that there are free resources here on campus to help you quit tobacco if you are ready. Visit the web site for more information. I really appreciate your willingness to help us keep our campus tobacco free.”

Electronic Cigarette Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a(n) [position/student] here with Saint Michael’s College. Are you aware that we don’t allow the use of tobacco products of any kind on campus? Sometimes people don’t realize that our policy includes electronic cigarettes. Please respect our policy and put out your electronic cigarette. I really appreciate your willingness to help us keep our campus tobacco free.”

Neighboring Property Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a [College position] here at Saint Michael’s College. I’m aware that you’re not on College property, but the College policy does ask that you please be respectful of our neighboring properties. Please be respectful of those around you who may be affected by your use of tobacco. Thank you for understanding.” In the event a person refuses to discard their tobacco, you may ask for their ID according to College Policy and report them to Student Conduct, their supervisor, Human Resources or the Unit Head for the Department if they are faculty. If in the event the Community Member becomes hostile, walk away and contact campus safety.

Tobacco Free Task Force

Formation and Activities

After being approached by the Vermont Coalition of Tobacco Free Campuses, Saint Michael’s College President Jack Neuhauser, realizing the importance of due diligence in addressing this industry norm, joined other Vermont College Presidents to commit to working to make their campuses become tobacco free. He shared this commitment with Mary Masson, SMC Director of Student Health Services, and Michael New, SMC Vice President of Human Resources, and asked them to form a working task force to assess the viability of Saint Michael’s College becoming tobacco free. The members of the task force and the areas they represent are:

Applied Linguistics Department: Mahmoud Arani
Athletics: Kara Lowe
Facilities: Rick Battistoni
Faculty: Diane Lander
Human Resources: Michael New
Health Services: Mary Masson
Marketing and Printing: George Goldsworthy
Marketing and Communications: Christian Camerota
Public Safety: Stephen Cushing
Student Association: Meaghan Diffenderfer
Student Body: Michael Matzcak
Student Life and Assessment: Catherine Welch


Frequently Asked Questions

What is defined as college property and boundaries?

The boundaries include any property owned, operated, or leased by Saint Michael’s College. This includes but is not limited to all buildings, structures, sidewalks, parking lots, fields, walkways and campus roadways.

How will it be enforced?

As an institution of higher learning, Saint Michael’s College stresses the need for education as the key to enforcement of this policy. The expectation is that persons will voluntarily comply with the policy. It is everyone’s responsibility on campus to politely inform others and offer support/resources when appropriate.

What if people don’t abide by the policy?

We believe kind reminders of the policy are important to keep the air clean and healthy for the whole SMC community. See example scripts….

Does this policy apply to visitors and vendors?

Yes. Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, lectures, plays and sporting events are asked to comply with the policy. The organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees. Also, any vendors contracted to provide services to Saint Michael’s College are expected to comply with the policy.

Can persons smoke in their own cars on campus?

We ask all employees, visitors and students to respect the policy and refrain from smoking in their vehicles.

Will use of chew or e-cigarettes be permitted?

No. The FDA does not consider use of either of these products to be a safe nicotine delivery system or smoking cessation strategy and their use is prohibited on school property.

Is the college requiring that people quit using tobacco products?

No. However, we are encouraging current tobacco users to explore this option. We are committed to supporting all employees and students who wish to stop using tobacco products with cessation resources. Students, faculty and staff choosing to continue using tobacco products may do so, but only on their own time and in areas not owned, operated, leased, occupied or controlled by Saint Michael’s College.

What resources are available to help someone quit?

Students can access the Bergeron Wellness Center for more information on how to quit, which can include counseling as well as nicotine replacement therapy. Employees can access Human Resources for information and support on tobacco cessation. All are welcome to access 802QUITS by calling the Vermont Quit Partners at 1.800.QUIT.NOW (784.8669) or online at

How can I ask questions or give feedback?

We welcome all feedback and questions via email to

Why Tobacco Free?
Why Tobacco Free?
How will it be enforced
Tobacco Free Task Force

Why Tobacco Free?

We have known for the last 50 years that people who smoke cigarettes are much more likely to develop, and die from, certain diseases than people who do not smoke. More than 20 million Americans have died from smoking related diseases since the first Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health was issued in 1964. We also know that there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. Of the 25 million deaths related to smoking, 10% (2.5 million) were from exposure to secondhand smoke.

Furthermore, we know that nearly all tobacco use begins during youth and young adulthood. In fact, if a person does not smoke by the time they turn 26, they will almost certainly never smoke. College is a time for the growth and development of our young adults, and it is a critical time where many lifelong habits, both healthy and unhealthy, are formulated. Becoming a college campus that is tobacco and smoke free is no longer considered a novel idea, but rather quickly becoming a national norm. To date, over 1500 college campus’ nationwide have committed to being tobacco free.


Saint Michael’s College Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy


Saint Michael’s College is committed to providing a healthy working and learning environment for the entire campus community. To that end, a tobacco-free campus shall be established. The purpose of this policy is to reduce harm from tobacco use and secondhand smoke, provide an environment that encourages persons to be tobacco-free, and promote a campus culture of wellness.


College property: All college-owned property, which includes but is not limited to college grounds (including North Campus), campus buildings, residential buildings, parking areas, walkways, recreational and sporting facilities and college-owned vehicles

Tobacco use: Use of all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, shisha, pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes, and all forms of smokeless tobacco including but not limited to chew, snuff, sticks, strips, and orbs.


Saint Michael’s College is a tobacco and smoke-free campus. This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors and visitors. The use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, vapor pens and all smoking products are not permitted on any college-owned property.

The sale, advertisement, distribution, and sampling of all tobacco/smoke products and tobacco/smoke-related merchandise are prohibited at College properties and its owned, leased, or operated buildings.

Institutional Review Board approved research on tobacco or tobacco related products is not covered by this policy.

Smoking and/or tobacco use may be permitted for traditional ceremonial activities of recognized cultural and/or religious groups.


Educational information and smoking cessation services, programs, and resources are available to students, faculty and staff through Student Health Services and the Office of Human Resources.

Roles and Responsibilities

It is the shared responsibility of all members of the campus community to respect and abide by this policy.

Administrators, deans, directors, department chairs, supervisors, and event sponsors will communicate the policy within their areas of responsibility.

Saint Michael’s College will provide access to tobacco cessation resources to SMC students and employees.

Visitors refusing to comply with this policy may be asked to leave campus.


The successful implementation of this policy depends on the courtesy and cooperation of the entire campus community.

Appropriate signage will be posted in campus facilities, on the SMC website and elsewhere to inform members of the campus community and visitors of the Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy.

The policy will be communicated in appropriate college publications and contracts. College publications include but are not limited to electronic notifications, handbooks, brochures and other college-generated materials.

This policy shall be effective on September  1, 2016. Compliance with this policy is expected.

If an individual has a difficult time complying with this policy, he/she should talk to a supervisor or the Division of Student Affairs to access resources for stopping tobacco use.


For more information about the Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy and/or tobacco cessation resources and services, contact Student Health Services at 802-654-2234.

Saint Michael’s College appreciates your compliance with this policy for the benefit of everyone deserving access to a campus that promotes health and well-being for all.


On Campus:

Call 802-654-2234 to make an appointment at the Bergeron Wellness Center

  • Free counseling
  • Nicotine replacement products
  • On campus support groups through partnership with 802 Quits Vermont

Off Campus:



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Free mobile apps to help you quit:

Quit smoking now and stop for good (iTunes)
This is the stop smoking app that science built. Over 20 different, evidence-based, techniques to help you become – and stay – smoke free. See how much money you’ve saved, how many cigarettes you’ve not smoked, how long you’ve been smoke free, how much life you’ve regained and how your health is improving.

quitStart is a free app made for teens who want to quit smoking, but adults can use it too. This app takes the information you provide about your smoking history and gives you tailored tips, inspiration, and challenges to help you become smokefree and live a healthier life.


SmokefreeTXT is a mobile text messaging service designed for adults and young adults across the United States who are trying to quit smoking. The program was created to provide 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips to help smokers quit smoking and stay quit.

How will it be enforced

It is up to everyone to help spread awareness and make this policy successful. If you encounter someone using tobacco on campus, you might find the tips in the following acronym helpful in approaching that person.

S – “Smile” introduce yourself.
M – “Make” the assumption that the person doesn’t know the policy.
O – “Offer” resources for tobacco cessation.
K – “Kindly” remind the person of the tobacco-free policy.
E – “Enforce” the policy: ask the person to stop using the tobacco on campus.

Pocket cessation cards will be available at the Bergeron Wellness Center. These cards may be given to anyone seen using tobacco products on College property as a reminder.

Making sure the same language is being used with faculty, staff, students, contractors and visitors about the policy ensures a firm, polite and compassionate message. The following scripts provide useful examples on how to address someone using tobacco on campus.

Tobacco Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a(n) [position/student] here with Saint Michael’s College. Are you are aware that we don’t allow the use of tobacco products of any kind on campus? Please respect our policy and put your cigarette (or cigar) out and dispose of it in a trash can. I also wanted to let you know that there are free resources here on campus to help you quit tobacco if you are ready. Visit the web site for more information. I really appreciate your willingness to help us keep our campus tobacco free.”

Smokeless Tobacco Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a(n) [position/student] here with Saint Michael’s College. Are you aware that we don’t allow the use of tobacco products of any kind on campus? Sometimes people don’t realize that our policy includes smokeless tobacco. Please respect our policy and dispose of it in a trash can right away. I also wanted to let you know that there are free resources here on campus to help you quit tobacco if you are ready. Visit the web site for more information. I really appreciate your willingness to help us keep our campus tobacco free.”

Electronic Cigarette Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a(n) [position/student] here with Saint Michael’s College. Are you aware that we don’t allow the use of tobacco products of any kind on campus? Sometimes people don’t realize that our policy includes electronic cigarettes. Please respect our policy and put out your electronic cigarette. I really appreciate your willingness to help us keep our campus tobacco free.”

Neighboring Property Use Script

“Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a [College position] here at Saint Michael’s College. I’m aware that you’re not on College property, but the College policy does ask that you please be respectful of our neighboring properties. Please be respectful of those around you who may be affected by your use of tobacco. Thank you for understanding.” In the event a person refuses to discard their tobacco, you may ask for their ID according to College Policy and report them to Student Conduct, their supervisor, Human Resources or the Unit Head for the Department if they are faculty. If in the event the Community Member becomes hostile, walk away and contact campus safety.

Tobacco Free Task Force

Formation and Activities

After being approached by the Vermont Coalition of Tobacco Free Campuses, Saint Michael’s College President Jack Neuhauser, realizing the importance of due diligence in addressing this industry norm, joined other Vermont College Presidents to commit to working to make their campuses become tobacco free. He shared this commitment with Mary Masson, SMC Director of Student Health Services, and Michael New, SMC Vice President of Human Resources, and asked them to form a working task force to assess the viability of Saint Michael’s College becoming tobacco free. The members of the task force and the areas they represent are:

Applied Linguistics Department: Mahmoud Arani
Athletics: Kara Lowe
Facilities: Rick Battistoni
Faculty: Diane Lander
Human Resources: Michael New
Health Services: Mary Masson
Marketing and Printing: George Goldsworthy
Marketing and Communications: Christian Camerota
Public Safety: Stephen Cushing
Student Association: Meaghan Diffenderfer
Student Body: Michael Matzcak
Student Life and Assessment: Catherine Welch


Frequently Asked Questions

What is defined as college property and boundaries?

The boundaries include any property owned, operated, or leased by Saint Michael’s College. This includes but is not limited to all buildings, structures, sidewalks, parking lots, fields, walkways and campus roadways.

How will it be enforced?

As an institution of higher learning, Saint Michael’s College stresses the need for education as the key to enforcement of this policy. The expectation is that persons will voluntarily comply with the policy. It is everyone’s responsibility on campus to politely inform others and offer support/resources when appropriate.

What if people don’t abide by the policy?

We believe kind reminders of the policy are important to keep the air clean and healthy for the whole SMC community. See example scripts….

Does this policy apply to visitors and vendors?

Yes. Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, lectures, plays and sporting events are asked to comply with the policy. The organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees. Also, any vendors contracted to provide services to Saint Michael’s College are expected to comply with the policy.

Can persons smoke in their own cars on campus?

We ask all employees, visitors and students to respect the policy and refrain from smoking in their vehicles.

Will use of chew or e-cigarettes be permitted?

No. The FDA does not consider use of either of these products to be a safe nicotine delivery system or smoking cessation strategy and their use is prohibited on school property.

Is the college requiring that people quit using tobacco products?

No. However, we are encouraging current tobacco users to explore this option. We are committed to supporting all employees and students who wish to stop using tobacco products with cessation resources. Students, faculty and staff choosing to continue using tobacco products may do so, but only on their own time and in areas not owned, operated, leased, occupied or controlled by Saint Michael’s College.

What resources are available to help someone quit?

Students can access the Bergeron Wellness Center for more information on how to quit, which can include counseling as well as nicotine replacement therapy. Employees can access Human Resources for information and support on tobacco cessation. All are welcome to access 802QUITS by calling the Vermont Quit Partners at 1.800.QUIT.NOW (784.8669) or online at

How can I ask questions or give feedback?

We welcome all feedback and questions via email to

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