Be Well

Be Well is the outreach arm of the Bergeron Wellness Center. Be Well engages students in holistic wellness exploration through activities, events and education. The Be Well team consists of Bergeron’s Coordinator of Wellness Outreach and Education, mental health counselors, nurse practitioners, and wellness staff as well as student wellness ambassadors and numerous campus partners. We hope to offer students opportunities to share, reflect and respond to relevant issues all while having fun and creating a culture of wellness here at SMC.


Meet the Coordinator

Bridgette Akins

Bridgette Akins is Bergeron’s Coordinator of Wellness Outreach and Education. She is also a certified health and life coach.

“I’m originally from TN and take pride in my Southern roots and Northern boots. Born and raised in east Tennessee, I’ve now lived in Vermont for two years after layovers in upstate NY and eastern North Carolina.

I enjoy yoga, hiking, singing, and the occasional ice bath. I love spending time with my family and friends. I can be found in Joyce 154 where I am here to assist you in connecting the dots between who you are and who you want to be. I am here to listen to what’s important to you and help you navigate the steps needed to reach your goals. No judgment and no telling you what to do.

My purpose is to serve, explore, connect, and inspire. Striving to live out my purpose, I encourage students to do the same. “

Bridgette Alpha Akins
Coordinator of Wellness Outreach and Education
she/her pronouns

Be Well Mind

Feeling Alone?

TalkCampus is a free app that allows students to receive peer support 24/7 with world-class clinical safeguarding.

Students can sign up using their SMC emails.

Need Help with Time Management or a Peer Tutor?

Reach out to Dina Alsaffar in Durick 207 or via email at

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