Liturgical Ministries


All ministries are callings, or vocations. God calls us to serve one another. Jesus gives us the model for serving when He washes the feet of His disciples at the Last Supper.

But how do you know you are being called? Here are some good indications to think about:

  • Do you have a desire to serve others as Jesus did?
  • Do you have a love of and for the Scriptures?
  • Do friends and others in the Church suggest to you that you should take on this work?
  • Do you think you would enjoy ministry?
  • Most importantly, do you believe God has spoken to you in your heart, and is moving you to serve in this way?

Your Training

All ministries, including Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server, Liturgical Choir and Sacred Dance Ensemble, call for some training in order to do it at our best.

Loving of God and neighbor, as well as oneself, and love and respect for the Scriptures and the consecrated body of Christ, which are so essential to these ministries, cannot be received from training. But the skills which help these traits come through to those to whom you minister can. Therefore, it’s essential to attend the appropriate training sessions that are offered each semester.

Your Service

All ministries are a service to others. Jesus tells us that whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do to Him. By proclaiming the Word with a confident voice, we announce God’s saving work. When distributing Communion, we witness by our deep faith in the Eucharist to the saving mystery of Christ. By serving those at the Lord’s table, we honor Jesus’ great example of selfless love. When we sing, we pray twice. When we dance before the Lord, we express our praise of God. The beauty created in song and dance echoes in the hearts of those gathered in the assembly. And so it is Christ Himself who serves through, with, and in us.

Liturgical Ministry

You can find readings for any daily mass or Sunday liturgy at Readings and Psalms. Click on the date you are scheduled for, so you can practice reading prayerfully and thoughtfully!

Ways to Serve…

Lectors: proclaiming the Word to the gathered assembly.

Eucharistic Ministers: distributing communion.

Altar Server: assisting the celebrant at the table of the Lord.

Liturgical Choir and Ensemble

Primarily composed of undergraduate students, the Saint Michael’s College Liturgical Choir and Ensemble also proudly includes members from the wider worshipping community. The main function of the group is to facilitate sung prayer.

Under the direction of Jerome Monachino ’91, the group is characterized by an original, eclectic musical style utilizing African, Latin American, and Irish flavors to compliment traditional hymn singing. The Liturgical Choir celebrates prayer in song at most Sunday liturgies and at all major feasts of the liturgical year.

For more information, please contact Jerome Monachino.

Click on the links below to hear recordings from the choir:

1. Salamu Maria – “Hail Mary”  (5:07)
2. Guitar Chant  (1:46)
3. Jubilate Deo -“Praise God”  (3:08)
4. Nkembo – “Gloria”  (1:57)
5. Seek Ye First  (4:52)
6. God Has Smiled on Me  (2:26)
7. Ps 138  (2:49)
8. Christus Natus – “Christ is Born”  (2:08)
9. Unto Us  (4:41)
10. Wade in the Water  (3:37)
11. Two Fishermen  (4:04)
12. Walk in the Reign  (4:37)
13. Salve Regina – “Hail Holy Queen”  (1:46)
14. I Will Sing, I Will Sing  (3:15)

Liturgical Ministry
Liturgical Ministry
Liturgical Choir and Ensemble

Liturgical Ministry

You can find readings for any daily mass or Sunday liturgy at Readings and Psalms. Click on the date you are scheduled for, so you can practice reading prayerfully and thoughtfully!

Ways to Serve…

Lectors: proclaiming the Word to the gathered assembly.

Eucharistic Ministers: distributing communion.

Altar Server: assisting the celebrant at the table of the Lord.

Liturgical Choir and Ensemble

Primarily composed of undergraduate students, the Saint Michael’s College Liturgical Choir and Ensemble also proudly includes members from the wider worshipping community. The main function of the group is to facilitate sung prayer.

Under the direction of Jerome Monachino ’91, the group is characterized by an original, eclectic musical style utilizing African, Latin American, and Irish flavors to compliment traditional hymn singing. The Liturgical Choir celebrates prayer in song at most Sunday liturgies and at all major feasts of the liturgical year.

For more information, please contact Jerome Monachino.

Click on the links below to hear recordings from the choir:

1. Salamu Maria – “Hail Mary”  (5:07)
2. Guitar Chant  (1:46)
3. Jubilate Deo -“Praise God”  (3:08)
4. Nkembo – “Gloria”  (1:57)
5. Seek Ye First  (4:52)
6. God Has Smiled on Me  (2:26)
7. Ps 138  (2:49)
8. Christus Natus – “Christ is Born”  (2:08)
9. Unto Us  (4:41)
10. Wade in the Water  (3:37)
11. Two Fishermen  (4:04)
12. Walk in the Reign  (4:37)
13. Salve Regina – “Hail Holy Queen”  (1:46)
14. I Will Sing, I Will Sing  (3:15)

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