Forming the Faith Community

What does it mean to support and love one another, on campus and in the world, as Christians? The priests and laypeople of Edmundite Campus Ministry are dedicated to the ongoing formation and support of a strong spiritual community at Saint Michael’s, based on a shared faith experience. Through Campus Ministry, you’ll find many thoughtful and enjoyable opportunities to meet others, talk about religion, faith journeys, and explore matters of the spirit together.

Spiritual Direction

Individual Spiritual Direction and Accompaniment

Are you looking for growth in your relationship with God?

“A spiritual director helps you to be more aware of and respond to God’s revelation as you experience it affectively- that is, in your feelings and emotions, not just in your mind. In other words, spiritual direction deals not only with the head, but the heart as well. In this sense, it is concerned with the whole person, or, in the jargon of the day, it is holistic.

Still more specifically, a spiritual director helps you to express your struggles, pain, joys and gratitude, and to share these with God; to notice God’s presence in your life and your prayer; to savor, relive and respond to your experience of God, and, finally, to notice interior changes and the effects these changes have on your relationships and your life.” – What To Look For In Spiritual Direction, written by Maureen Conroy, RSM, in Praying Magazine

For more information by spiritual direction, contact Fr. Brian Cummings at

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral counseling is available to a wide variety of groups, including athletes and alumni. Please contact Fr. Brian Cummings at

VITA Peer Ministry Team

VITA (Latin for “way of life”) is the student led peer ministry group committed to ministering to other students through exploring our faith and how it fits into college life. VITA does this through providing weekly small and large group programming, retreats, socials, and sponsored events through Edmundite Campus Ministry. Their focus is to enflame the heart and engage the mind in light of the Catholic faith. The VITA team extends the presence of Edmundite Campus Ministry into the Residence Halls and offers opportunities for other students to become more involved in exploring their spiritual life. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Anna Lester at

Family and Friends of Faith Program

This program provides a chance for students and permanent community members to get to know one another, share a meal or activity, and build relationships. We hope that this program will strengthen our connection between our permanent community members that worship at Saint Michael’s Chapel and students. We also want to offer students the opportunity to enjoy a home environment while they are away from their families. If interested, please pick up an application at the entrances of the Chapel, in the Edmundite Campus Ministry Office, or contact Anna Lester at for more information.

Grief Support Group

The Grief Support Group meets according to the needs of the group for Saint Michael’s College community members who have suffered the death of a loved one.

For more information, please contact Fr. Brian Cummings at

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Based on demand, we join area parishes to help those who want to join the community of Christ, prepare for the reception of the Easter sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. For more information, please contact Anna Lester at

Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction
Pastoral Counseling
VITA Peer Ministry Team
Family and Friends of Faith Program
Grief Support Group
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Spiritual Direction

Individual Spiritual Direction and Accompaniment

Are you looking for growth in your relationship with God?

“A spiritual director helps you to be more aware of and respond to God’s revelation as you experience it affectively- that is, in your feelings and emotions, not just in your mind. In other words, spiritual direction deals not only with the head, but the heart as well. In this sense, it is concerned with the whole person, or, in the jargon of the day, it is holistic.

Still more specifically, a spiritual director helps you to express your struggles, pain, joys and gratitude, and to share these with God; to notice God’s presence in your life and your prayer; to savor, relive and respond to your experience of God, and, finally, to notice interior changes and the effects these changes have on your relationships and your life.” – What To Look For In Spiritual Direction, written by Maureen Conroy, RSM, in Praying Magazine

For more information by spiritual direction, contact Fr. Brian Cummings at

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral counseling is available to a wide variety of groups, including athletes and alumni. Please contact Fr. Brian Cummings at

VITA Peer Ministry Team

VITA (Latin for “way of life”) is the student led peer ministry group committed to ministering to other students through exploring our faith and how it fits into college life. VITA does this through providing weekly small and large group programming, retreats, socials, and sponsored events through Edmundite Campus Ministry. Their focus is to enflame the heart and engage the mind in light of the Catholic faith. The VITA team extends the presence of Edmundite Campus Ministry into the Residence Halls and offers opportunities for other students to become more involved in exploring their spiritual life. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Anna Lester at

Family and Friends of Faith Program

This program provides a chance for students and permanent community members to get to know one another, share a meal or activity, and build relationships. We hope that this program will strengthen our connection between our permanent community members that worship at Saint Michael’s Chapel and students. We also want to offer students the opportunity to enjoy a home environment while they are away from their families. If interested, please pick up an application at the entrances of the Chapel, in the Edmundite Campus Ministry Office, or contact Anna Lester at for more information.

Grief Support Group

The Grief Support Group meets according to the needs of the group for Saint Michael’s College community members who have suffered the death of a loved one.

For more information, please contact Fr. Brian Cummings at

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Based on demand, we join area parishes to help those who want to join the community of Christ, prepare for the reception of the Easter sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. For more information, please contact Anna Lester at