Melanie Demarais '79

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Which part of your liberal arts education at SMC has been the most valuable to you?
There were many parts I value – the people and the events. As a political science major, I was thrilled to have two female professors, which was rare at small colleges in the 1970’s. This reality meant so much to me. They stood as great mentors in my life. The variety of courses within not only political science but throughout the curriculum was wonderful. Humanities, theology, philosophy and even business classes and extracurricular activities brought together a life-altering experience of critical thinking and exposure to ideas different than my own.
Was there a particular lecture, course, book, professor, staff member or extracurricular activity that made an indelible impact on your career path or life, or shaped who you are now?
Courses that I loved and think about to today:
Feminist Politics with Ellen Cannon
Women in Literature with Carey Kaplan and Buff Lindau
Theater with Don Rathgeb
Jazz with Paul LeClerc
Any class with Bill Wilson
Administrators taught us so much:
Jenny Cernosia and Mike Samara in Student Life
Rit DiVenere
The Edmundites – especially Fr. Ray Doherty and Fr. Maurice Ouellette
The Counseling Center – Dorothy Portnow and a great retreat on “What Color is your Parachute” that helped me to really focus on my future career. I buy this book for future college grads all the time.
Jerry Flanagan and Jackie Murphy
Being an RA sophomore and senior year
Parent’s weekend
Crown and Shield
MS dance marathon
Student association
Political science club
The Apple Tree – theatre my senior year