Megan Tatro Christensen

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I work as a Risk Analyst on the Catastrophe Management team at Travelers Insurance. I do statistical modeling of catastrophic risks at Travelers and help create initiatives to reduce that risk. For example, I have been doing extensive research on earthquake risk that I will use to build a tool that will help Travelers determine their potential losses in the event of an earthquake. The loss estimated by this tool will be used for reserving estimations so that enough money is set aside to pay for the losses. I also plan to enroll in graduate school in Spring 2009 at the University of Connecticut to get a M.S. in Applied Financial Mathematics.
My education at Saint Michael’s has helped me by not only giving me the fundamental knowledge in mathematics that I use in my job every day, but also it has given me the confidence needed to succeed in a large company. Without the knowledge I gained at Saint Michaels, both inside and outside of the classroom, I do not think I would be working at Travelers Insurance today.