
Enhance your degree with micro-credentials

We offer a wide range of micro-credentials to elevate your skills and showcase your accomplishments to future employers. Develop your skills, build your résumé, and showcase your achievements on LinkedIn. These credentials provide you with opportunities to prepare yourself for the workforce and gain professional experience; setting you up by setting you apart. You capitalize on your liberal arts education by enhancing it with practical skills employers want you to have which sets you apart from other candidates.

Learn something new

Learn something new or hone a skill you’ve already gained and then meet with a Career Coach to learn how to best tell your story. There are a wide range of options to explore this value-added experience and you can explore these micro-credentials in detail at https://www.credly.com/organizations/saint-michael-s-college/badges.

Check out all the Micro-Credential options:

Adventure Sports

Be Well

Biology Department

Career Education Center

Ethical Leadership

Institute for Equity and Justice

Institute for Global Engagement


MOVE (Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts)

Peace Corps Prep Program

Peer Tutoring

Writing Center