Internships & Jobs
At many schools, internships are an afterthought. At Saint Michael’s, they are a priority.
Experiential Learning is an important part of the liberal arts curriculum at Saint Michael’s College. We strongly support opportunities for our students to develop their critical thinking and learning outside of the classroom. Students at Saint Michael’s College are encouraged to participate in internships as a way to extend their education in a real-world setting, explore career options, apply knowledge, expand their professional network, and gain transferable skills and experience.
Student Guide to Internships (PDF) Employer Guide to Internships (PDF)
Here are some examples of employers where St. Mike’s students have recently completed internships.
Check out our guide to Job Searches and Networking for more information.
Saint Michael’s is excited to partner with Handshake to leverage our connections with employers and facilitate networking with our students. This easy-to-use platform enhances our ability to connect Saint Michael’s students and alumni with part-time and full-time jobs and with internship opportunities.
Current students can use their Mikenet credentials to access their account and begin handshaking (virtually) with employers. Alumni should click on the link below to register.
Employers looking to share opportunities are welcome to register for an account and connect with Saint Michael’s College.
Helpful Guides for Handshake:
Saint Michael’s students and recent graduates from all majors can execute short-term, paid, typically-remote, professional projects that allow you to build and demonstrate skills while exploring potential career paths with Micro-Internships, facilitated via the Parker Dewey platform.
Sign up through the link below and receive internship opportunities, including some posted just for St. Mike’s students by our alumni! You bid on the ones you’re interested in, complete the project in under 40 hours, and get paid. This program is built to help busy students like you get access to real work experience, connect with employers, and add to your résumé.
These Micro-Internships can take place at any time of year, and are used by companies across the United States, ranging from those in the Fortune 100 to emerging start-ups.
If you have any questions, reach out to the Boucher Career Education Center.
Internship Information
Many students here at St. Mike’s choose to earn academic credit for their internship experiences. Students who are planning to complete an academic internship will need to take the following steps:
1. Meet with your Academic Advisor to:
- Discuss your plan to pursue an internship for academic credit
- Decide if a credit-bearing internship will fit in with your overall academic plan
- Ask about departmental internship requirements
- Ask about internship course registration and faculty supervision for your major
2. Meet with a career coach in your area of interest
Making an appointment in Handshake will direct you to the correct coach. Connecting with a career coach will provide you with the opportunity to:
- Learn about the internship search and application process
- Identify relevant opportunities and helpful resources
- Ask questions and get help throughout the process
3. Secure an internship site
Secure an internship site that meets the criteria established by your major and the College, this will be determined by your Career Coach.
4. Register for an internship course during the open course registration period
The internship course options are as follows: ID-498 (any major) for a first internship or ID-499 for a second internship or an independent internship with a faculty supervisor.
5. Obtain permission from your Career Coach to access the forms you need to complete
These forms are all electronic and live in Handshake; the Experiences link is a workflow for you to get everything in place for your academic internship before the semester begins.
Searching for an Internship
All the internship opportunities we receive in our office are posted on Handshake. Bookmark it to make it easy to find.
There are several approaches to take as you search for the perfect internship. Keep in mind that the process is highly competitive, just like a professional job search. You will need to prepare a resume, cover letter, references/recommendations, and in some cases provide your college transcript to apply. In addition, you will most likely be asked to interview for the position before you are hired. Career Coaches are here for you every step of the way! The document below includes tips and website links to get you started on your internship search:
If you are thinking about life after St. Mike’s, consider shadowing an alumnus/alumna who works in a career you are interested in learning more about. Our alumni are eager to assist students with navigating life after college and this is a great way to meet fun and interesting people.
Join our Alumni Connections group to network with alumni or email for more information.