Senior Checklist

Feeling overwhelmed as you approach senior year?

The Career Staff invites you to make an appointment with one of us early in your senior year to get a jump start on your post-graduation plans. The job search or graduate school application process takes time, persistence, and hard work. The checklist provided will assist you in preparing your post-graduation plans. Feel free to call on us. We are here to help.


  • Visit or the Career Education page on the Portal
  • Access your Handshake account (login with your Mikenet credentials)
  • Meet with a career coach and develop career objectives
  • Complete an internship or research
  • Refine interviewing skills for jobs, graduate school, and more
  • Sign up on the Career Education listserv through the Portal
  • Update your resumé and LinkedIn profile


  • Career Symposium, 2020 date TBD
  • Boston and New York Career Seminars in January
  • Informational interviews and job shadowing experiences
  • Networking events, all year


  • Network, network, network – with alumni, family, friends, current and former employers, coaches, advisors, faculty and more
  • Connect with employers and job search through LinkedIn
  • Apply to graduate school
  • Visit Handshake and other job search websites
  • Request 3-5 references from professors, advisors, employers, or coaches
  • Interview with on-campus and off-campus recruiters
  • Ask for help – that’s what the Career Education Center is for!