Henry “Bud” Boucher, Jr. ’69 Career Education Center

Be Curious, Get Experience, Tell Your Story

Your liberal arts education provides an essential foundation for any career you pursue.  Critical thinking, writing, the ability to collaborate, and speaking before an audience are all skills that employers highly value.  At the same time, we believe it’s essential for students to have quality, real-world experiences during their time at school through internships, on-campus student employment, and volunteering.

At the Boucher Career Education Center we are here to guide your path, providing support to students choosing a major, information on building your resumé and networking, career advice, and much more.

Career Education Resources

Destination: Success

In the first six months after graduation, 94% of the class of 2022 was employed,
continuing education, in an internship, or doing military or volunteer service.


St. Mike’s laid a strong foundation for my current higher academic pursuits.  My B.S. in Public Health and Equity Studies gave me invaluable knowledge—from exploring critical public health topics to engaging in independent projects and mentorship roles.  As a leader of the Student Global AIDS Campaign, I was able to apply concepts in class and advocate for change.  With guidance from the career office, I was well-prepared to step into graduate studies and am now pursuing an MPH at Brown University with a focus in global health, continuing to build on the skills and experiences I developed at St. Mike’s.

– Greg Hurter ’24