Samantha Delaney ’19

This year’s Young Alumnus of the Year Award goes to Samantha Delaney from the Class of 2019. This decision was really a ‘no-brainer’, as they say – Sam is a force of nature, and despite her incredible schedule of studies, global travel and cutting-edge research, she always has time for St. Mike’s.

As a student, Sam was a standout on the basketball court, receiving numerous accolades, leading the team throughout her four years and serving as a two-time captain. A Biochemistry major with minors in French and Religious Studies, Sam has been lauded as ‘one of the smartest graduates we’ve had in the past 10 years.’

Sam landed in New York after graduation to study at City University of New York, where this February, she successfully defended her PhD in Biochemistry. During her presentation, Sam graciously took time to acknowledge St. Mike’s, stating, “The biochemistry faculty, my religious studies and art history professors, the Alumni Board of Directors, and the Office of Institutional Advancement all got a big thank you from me, because I simply would not be where I am today without them all.”

During graduate school, Sam studied molecular imaging at Weill Cornell and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. All the while, she was one of our most consistent and steadfast volunteers in New York City, hosting her first alumni social at Windfall Bar near Penn Station with her trusty alumni friend and sidekick, Niall Keane, and making time to meet with and welcome alumni living in and visiting New York.

The versatility of her liberal arts education allowed Sam the freedom to explore her passions. She recently shared, “Taking courses in various fields made me realize that my passions and interests have never — and will never — be confined to just one field, discipline, or area of study. Rather, my dream career would combine everything that I’m passionate about, spanning the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities.”

Sam was asked to join the Alumni Board of Directors in 2022 and has brought a wisdom and maturity far beyond her years to the multi-generational board. An Alumni Board colleague calls Sam “an absolute gem, always a bright light, upbeat, sweet, smart – and boy does she love St. Mike’s. She is an incredibly impressive young woman.” In her role on the Alumni Board, Sam eagerly volunteered to help organize the Career Symposium, and created a panel for students interested in taking a PhD track to their careers.

According to an admiring SMC staff member, “Sam puts herself out there and is always incredibly welcoming and loving in each and every St. Michael’s connection that she makes. She loves St. Mike’s so much, and I have no doubt that she is going to do big things one day.”

Sam is currently conducting her post-doctoral research fellowship in the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen. We wouldn’t be surprised if she organizes St. Mike’s alumni events around Europe in her spare time! For all the wonderful things she has done in support of SMC, and all that we know she will continue to do, the Alumni Association Board of Directors is very proud to name Samantha Delaney a 2024 Alumnus of the Year. Congratulations!