Patrick Gallivan ’89

The final award today is named in memory of Fr. Mike Cronogue, who was a beloved member of the St. Mike’s community for over 35 years. The founder of MOVE, Mike sought to instill a love of service in students and was thrilled to see them making a positive difference locally and globally through their actions.

This award is presented to a Saint Michael’s graduate who, through their professional accomplishments, community contributions and/or service to the nation has supported the mission of Saint Michael’s College and the Alumni Association.

Patrick Gallivan ’89

Our recipient of the Fr. Mike Cronogue Award for Service really needs no introduction to anyone assembled here. He has been called the ‘Mayor of Winooski Park’ and known as the ‘Nicest Guy at SMC’, because for as long as anyone can remember, he’s known everyone, and everyone has known and loved him.

The face of St. Mike’s whether he was in Admissions, the Alumni office or the President’s office, this incredible Purple Knight was the consummate ambassador for the College. Through his words and actions, he taught us that everyone is a potential friend, just waiting for an introduction.

I’m sure you all know exactly who I’m talking about, and there is no one more deserving of this award, named for his own mentor and very dear friend. The Alumni Board of Directors is so pleased to name Patrick Gallivan as the recipient of the Fr. Michael Cronogue Award for Service.

Patrick arrived on campus as a freshman in the fall of 1985 from his home in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Immediately, he became a beloved and busy Purple Knight. As a student, Patrick helped the admissions office with on-campus programs and as a tour guide. He walked into his first Student Association meeting as President to the song “Changes” by David Bowie. At his senior banquet, Patrick received the ‘Michaelman’ award for outstanding leadership to the college and the community, including his volunteer work in Appalachia. Needless to say, he was hired as an admissions counselor within six weeks of graduation.

Patrick was a member of the Alumni Board from pretty much the moment he became an alumnus. He received the Reverend Gerald Dupont Award multiple times in the 1990s, for his dedication to the ideas of courage, vision, devotion and faith on which Saint Michael’s was founded.

Through his admissions work and constant presence volunteering on Pre-Orientation Weekends, Patrick quickly got to know and befriend thousands of St. Mike’s students. His role on POW weekends was ‘Just be Patrick’ – and that was enough. Though one friend likes to remind him that on POW he sat next to her, introduced himself and asked who interviewed her. She said, “Um… it was you.” He could be forgiven for the lapse since he interviewed and interacted with thousands!

Patrick’s superpowers, though, are his ability to talk with anyone and make them feel like they matter. He has an uncanny ability to be truly present, in good times and in difficult ones. He also has a very distinctive ‘walk of purpose’ – you could spot him speed walking far across campus and know exactly who it was!

Patrick held every volunteer position possible on campus, including master of ceremonies for graduation banquets, athletic awards banquets, public address announcer for women’s basketball, speaker at alumni leadership weekends, residence hall staff training programs and orientation leader trainings. He served as staff supervisor for student service trips to Selma, Alabama and Washington, DC.

Patrick started volunteering at Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, a camp for children with cancer, in 1994 and has never stopped volunteering – in 30 years! He started on the board in 1997, served as interim Executive Director and is currently Camp Director. He has devoted countless hours and immeasurable love to those children and their families, who find great joy, fun and comfort during the challenges they face. He was instrumental in the expansion of the current camp property in South Hero to include new cabins, a pool, chapel and more. This St. Mike’s reunion weekend coincides with staff development at Ta-Kum-Ta, which means Patrick will be spending as much time there with his volunteers as he will be here enjoying reunion. That’s just who he is and what he does.

It was a natural progression that after nine years of ever-increasing roles in Admissions, Patrick was named Director for Alumni and Parent Relations in August 1998. It was there that he utilized all of the connections he had built through admissions and became one of the most trusted and beloved people at SMC. Alumni of the Year recipient Angie Armour worked closely with him in the alumni office and watched him in action at work and in the greater community. “What I really appreciate about Pat is how he taught me the importance of giving back,” she said. “There are few people who lives the St. Mike’s mission the way he does. He always shows up.”

Patrick was named Vice President for Institutional Advancement in 2008, then Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Vice President for Government and Community Affairs in 2015. In these roles, he interacted daily with alumni around the country, oversaw fundraising efforts, facilitated Trustee meetings and represent St. Mike’s with business, nonprofit, state and federal leaders fostering relationships that benefitted the College. He represented St. Mike’s at countless fundraising dinners around Burlington, attending so many above and beyond his job, to ensure St. Mike’s was always well represented and top of mind. Patrick served on the cabinet and became a close friend and confidential advisor to President Jack Neuhauser. His institutional knowledge was quite possibly unmatched.

For 30 years, St. Mike’s had the privilege of having Patrick as the beating heart of this campus. In 2020, he became Executive Director of the Vermont State Dental Society, where he helps advance the dental profession to improve the oral health of all Vermonters. He is working to create a partnership for a dental school to ensure young, talented dentists stay in Vermont, and all Vermonters can receive quality dental care. Patrick serves as a Eucharistic Minister at his parish, and his Catholic faith is vital to who he is. So, it’s natural that he helped found Faith Influenced Leaders, a South Burlington nonprofit that seeks to do good in the community, including the establishment of the South Burlington Food Shelf.

Fr. Mike Cronogue was himself a widely known and much-adored figure on this campus for decades. He frequently reflected on the parable of the mustard seed, which though tiny, grows to a great size. With faith the size of a mustard seed, one can still move mountains, Mike always explained. Patrick Gallivan may be just one man, but with the measures of his faith, love, and loyalty, he has moved mountains for St. Mike’s. He defines the College vision Do Well and Do Good. Today, we thank him for all that he has accomplished on this campus, in the state of Vermont and beyond, and honor him with the Fr. Mike Cronogue Award for Service today. Thank you, Patrick. Fr. Mike is surely smiling down. Congratulations.