Policy on Academic Integrity


Scholarship, teaching, and learning are possible only in an environment of academic integrity characterized by honesty and mutual trust.   Every member of the College community – students, faculty and administrators – has the responsibility to ensure that the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity are maintained.

To achieve this end the College has established policies and procedures regarding breaches in academic integrity.


The following are examples of offenses to academic integrity that are prohibited by Saint Michael’s College. The passages in italics constitute the Academic Regulations regarding academic integrity.  These are followed by a brief discussion of the policies. Given the complex nature of the topic, the discussion does not include every possible offense against academic integrity but provides some typical examples.


Presenting another person’s ideas or content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) as one’s own, by directly quoting or indirectly paraphrasing, without properly citing the original source. This includes inadvertent failure to properly acknowledge sources.

When using ideas, arguments, and/or data from other sources, students must clearly define the sources using appropriate quotations and citations. Plagiarism may occur even when not using the exact words of another author.  Paraphrasing a section of an article, book, or website without the proper attribution is considered plagiarism. Students should ask their professor if there is any question about the proper use and citation of material from other sources.

Compositions, term papers, or computer programs acquired either in part or in whole from other students, the Internet, commercial resources, or any other source and submitted as one’s own work shall be considered plagiarism. If the work contains the thoughts or words of others or of generative AI, and the student inadvertently fails to acknowledge the source(s), this action is considered plagiarism. Plagiarism applies to printed sources, electronic sources, video/audio sources, social media and material obtained through network sources, including e-mail and generative AI.


Giving or receiving assistance during an examination or in the preparation of other assignments without the authorization of the instructor.

There are many possible instances of unauthorized assistance. Using cell phones and other electronic resources, any unauthorized notes during an exam, or use of artificial intelligence is prohibited unless the professor provides explicit permission. Copying from another individual’s examination or providing information to another student during an examination is a breach of academic integrity. Soliciting, obtaining, possessing, or providing to another person an examination prior to the administration of the exam, or unauthorized use of generative artificial intelligence for the completion of exams or assignments, is prohibited.

Take-home exams, papers, and other outside work, such as online assignments, are the sole responsibility of the individual student. This does not prohibit group study sessions and consultation with other students to clarify points under study. In certain instances, a professor may permit and even encourage students to work together on certain projects. This is generally not the case when the work is represented as the student’s own effort. If students have any questions they should ask the professor to provide clear guidelines regarding what assistance is authorized.


Interfering with the work of any other member of the College community by: (a) compromising academic materials (laboratory reports, papers, presentations, etc.) or (b) infringing on the fair and equal access of all to the academic resources of the College.

Any action that limits another student’s access to the academic resources of the College or modifies their work is considered interference.  For example, the unauthorized removal or relocation of library material is forbidden. Any tampering with another student’s lab work or other academic work is a breach of academic integrity.


Interfering with the work of any other member of the College by using information technology to: (a) alter another person’s files, reports or data; (b) Compromise data housed in the College’s academic information systems; or (c) engage in any unauthorized access to computer material whether on a College system, on a personal device located at the College, or over the Internet using College systems.

Accessing computer data of any sort without authorization is a violation of academic integrity. This includes stealing or decoding passwords, destroying or modifying data, and reading or altering another person’s files (including e-mail). In addition, any dissemination of computer-generated material such as viruses or spam, as well as preventing legitimate access to information via technology, are violations of this policy.


Submitting the same academic work to fulfill the requirements for more than one course without authorization of all instructors involved.

Submitting the same assignment for more than one course is a breach of academic integrity. There may be instances where a student may want to extend the research completed on a different project. In these cases, the student must obtain the explicit permission of the instructors involved.



If a breach of academic integrity occurs in a course, the primary responsibility for dealing with alleged offenses rests with the instructor. The instructor should meet with the student to thoroughly discuss the evidence of the offense and the sanction to be imposed.  If a meeting is not possible, the instructor may notify the student in writing.  Any course-specific sanctions for academic integrity violations should be noted in writing on the course syllabus. The instructor should also file an Academic Integrity Offense Report with the Dean of Undergraduate Education, noting the nature of the incident and the sanction imposed.

When an instructor has filed an Academic Integrity Offense Report, a Success Advisor or representative from the Dean of Undergraduate Education’s office will meet with the student to discuss the matter and the sanctions imposed. The Advisor or Dean will ensure that the student has a full understanding of the seriousness of the offense, the procedures to be followed, and the possible consequences of the breach of academic integrity, and will ask the student to sign a form acknowledging the offense and accepting the imposed sanctions.

If a student does not accept the determination of the instructor and prefers to not sign the form accepting the sanctions, the Dean may return the case to the faculty member for further discussion or let the report and sanctions stand.  If a student contests a report, that fact must be noted in the student’s record and made clear in the event of a Judicial Review.

If upon the submission of an Academic Integrity Offense Report the Dean of Undergraduate Education determines the student has a prior offense, the Dean will inform the student of the additional sanctions outlined by College policy and discuss the appeal and Judicial Review processes outlined below.


In instances of alleged academic “vandalism” outside the context of a specific course, such as interfering with another’s work using information technology systems, the case shall be presented to the Dean of Undergraduate Education for review. The Dean of Undergraduate Education shall undertake a thorough investigation of the alleged offense, and if sufficient evidence warrants further action, the Dean of Undergraduate Education shall refer the case to a Judicial Review Board.  When an offense occurs outside the context of a course, the Judicial Review Board will determine the sanctions imposed for each offense. These sanctions may include: (a) suspension from the College for a determined amount of time; or (b) expulsion from the College.


When an offense occurs in a course, the instructor will determine the specific sanctions imposed for each offense. These sanctions should be outlined in the course syllabus and may include but are not limited to

  • Repeating the assignment with or without a reduction in grade for the assignment
  • Failure or zero credit for the specific assignment
  • A reduction in the student’s grade for the course
  • Failure for the course

Additional College sanctions for violations of the Policy are as follows

  • 1st Offense: meeting with Success Advisor or a representative of the Dean of Undergraduate Education’s office but no additional sanctions
  • 2nd Offense: automatic failure of the courseStudents cannot avoid failure by withdrawing from the course, and students who have already withdrawn will have the W/D replaced with an F.
  • 3rd Offense: automatic failure of the course plus suspension for subsequent Fall or Spring semester
  • 4th offense: automatic failure of the course and expulsion from the College

Students have the right to appeal any of these sanctions by submitting a formal appeal to the Judicial Review Board.


The Judicial Review Board examines alleged offenses to the Academic Integrity Policy when they occur outside the context of a course and when students appeal a sanction mandated by the College’s Academic Integrity Policy.

The Judicial Review Board consists of three members: one student chosen from the Judicial Review Board Membership and two faculty members appointed in accordance with the Faculty Regulations. The Dean of Undergraduate Education convenes the Judicial Review Board.  A Success Advisor may accompany the student to the hearing for guidance, but friends, family, and/or representatives from outside Saint Michael’s College may not.

The Judicial Review Board shall hear all relevant evidence from the involved parties on the matter. Based upon its determination of the facts, the Board can vote to uphold, reduce, or repeal any sanctions but cannot increase them.  The Vice-President of Academic Affairs shall have the power to review any decision of the Judicial Review Board and to reverse or modify any decision.


Academic integrity reports are confidential and not part of a student’s permanent record, and they will not appear on the student’s transcript.  However, suspensions and/or expulsions due to academic integrity violations do become part of a student’s permanent record.  Academic Integrity offenses will be reported to outside organizations requesting a background check so long as we have received a signed release from the student of record.

For further information, please contact:

Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Education
Klein Hall, Room 105

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