
Starting in 2024, we are posting online the obituaries of our recently departed alumni and friends of Saint Michael's College who are also listed in our biannual College magazine. This provides a cumulative listing and allows for alumni to search by name or class year.  Over time, we will add obituaries from the past several years to the database.

You can click on the names below to see more information on our departed alumni and friends.

Our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of these departed Saint Michael's family members. To share a recent loss, please email

Nancie O’Meara ’90

Died: May 13, 2024

Michael David Samara

Died: April 26, 2024

Alice Marie Ann Boutin H’13

Died: April 12, 2024

Scott L. Woods ’86

Died: March 29, 2024

Edward P. Rogenski ’60

Died: March 28, 2024

Michael F. Fleischman ’71

Died: March 23, 2024

Stephen R. Chely ’75

Died: March 14, 2024

Breanda J. Hawkins M’00

Died: March 13, 2024

Thomas A. Barry ’58

Died: March 12, 2024

Donald A. Regina ’74

Died: March 12, 2024

John C. Makuch ’73

Died: March 9, 2024

Edward J. Trombley ’55

Died: March 5, 2024

Dr. Paul J. Reiss

Died: February 28, 2024

Joseph W. Krayeski ’65

Died: February 26, 2024

John E. Belcher, Jr. ’74

Died: February 19, 2024

Ann B. (Wright) Descoteaux ’78

Died: February 18, 2024

Michael Wheeler ’67

Died: February 17, 2024

D. Thomas Rooney ’69

Died: February 16, 2024

Robert J. Conlin ’57

Died: February 14, 2024

William C. Rick III ’79

Died: February 11, 2024

Rev. Normand Côté ’52

Died: February 8, 2024

Martha Whelan Robinson ’80

Died: February 7, 2024

Robert J. McKenzie ’52

Died: February 2, 2024

Showing 24 of 396 results
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