Patricia Casey Senior Educational Consultant, Maguire Associates

Job Title & Employer: Senior Educational Consultant, Maguire Associates
In a few sentences, tell us about yourself.
I am a native New Yorker who has lived happily in the Boston area for most of my adult life, save for a wonderful nine-year period in Northern California, where our two (now adult) children were born. Education at all levels has been both my passion and, luckily, my life’s work — as an enrollment practitioner and then a consultant for my entire career. I continue to consult but have time to balance my life better. My husband and I spend part of the winter in Akumal, Mexico — playing tennis and trying to move beyond my very elementary Spanish.
Please tell us about your Saint Michael’s experience.
I was nominated by a dear family friend to join the Board of Trustees and initially served from 2006 to 2015. During that time my knowledge of, and affection for, Saint Michael’s grew deeply. I was honored to be asked to re-join the Board in 2018.
What advice would you give to women students?
This isn’t easy for many people, but try to live in the present as much as possible. Don’t rush to the next phase of your life. Savor this time. Have faith that your dreams will come true and your goals will be met — in time. Be grateful for all that you have. Use your talents and your blessings to lift up others; to take away some obstacles and make the road ahead a little easier for those in need.
What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations?
Look at the big picture, in addition to your own aspirations: how are you helping to address the goals and challenges of your organization and its leaders? Consider this objectively, from a leadership point of view. Determine what additional value you can add. On a more micro level, respond to emails and phone calls promptly and share information generously.
What keeps you motivated and driven on a daily basis?
The belief that I’ve been very fortunate — in my education, health, family, and career –I have a responsibility to not squander those blessings. If we’ve been given much, much is expected of us.
**Originally profiled in 2019**