Stock Transfer Instructions

  1. Advise your broker that you wish to contribute a specific number of shares of stock
    to Saint Michael’s College. You will most likely need to provide written instructions
    to your broker.
  2. Inform Saint Michael’s College of the purpose of your gift (i.e., Saint Michael’s Fund,
    existing scholarship, etc.) and the impending stock transfer, either by phone or mail
    Saint Michael’s a copy of the written instructions sent by your broker. Please include
    which stock you will be transferring to help us identify the gifts as they are received.
  3. Direct your broker to transfer the shares to the College’s account:
    State Street Bank & Trust Company
    DTC Routing #997
    SMC Account #JZA2
  4. Saint Michael’s College is a 501(c)3 organization, our tax identification number is
  5. In accordance with IRS regulations, Saint Michael’s College values a gift of securities
    based on the mean value of the securities on the date that the securities are
    received into the College’s account.

If you or your broker need additional information or assistance, please call Institutional
Advancement, Individual Giving at (802) 654-2733 or (888) 448-7111.

Stock Transfer Instructions (PDF – Includes a sample letter to instruct your broker for stock transfer.)