Make St. Mike's Your Own

The Random Acts of Kindness Club puts on an event for students to create flower bouquets.
Student Clubs and Organizations
The Student Government Association (SGA) is a student-run organization that seeks to support the numerous clubs on campus and to accurately communicate on behalf of students. The purpose of the SGA is to contribute to the cultural, educational, social and well-being of the College community, to promote the inclusion to the continued growing diverse community, and to represent the collective interests of the student body before the faculty, administration, Board of Trustees of the College, and all other relevant organizations.
To learn more about the SGA or the 40+ clubs and student organizations on our campus, visit our website at
Check out the Clubs and Organizations
- Acabellas
- Alpha and Omega … Ternity
- Business Society
- Chemistry Club
- Common Ground
- Diversity Coalition
- Drama Club
- Feminist for Equality
- Fix it with Five
- French Club
- Gaming Club
- Green Up
- Her Campus
- Mens’/Womens’ Rugby
- Mike Check
- MLK Society
- Mock Trial
- Model UN
- Onion River Review
- Paint and Cookies
- Photography Club
- Pre-Law Society
- Pre-Vet
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Saint Mike’s Movies
- SAAC (Student Athletes Advisory Council)
- SGAC (Student Global AIDS Campaign)
- ShredMC
- SDAA (Student Disability Advocacy Alliance)
- Student Investment Fund
- Student Veterans of America
- Sleepless Knights
- SMC Dance Team
- Spanish Club
- Turtle Underground
- Ultimate Frisbee
- WWPV (Radio Station)