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Siglinde Langholz Art Exhibition – “Bombyx Mori: Micro Tissue Intersections”

Event Tags:
Gallery, McCarthy Arts Center

Siglinde Langholz will present “Bombyx Mori: Micro Tissue Intersections,”interdisciplinary art exhibition exploring the silkworm as an activator of dynamic interdisciplinary dialogues and processes that encompasses insect architecture, physics, biology, philosophy, sound art, and new media, on Thursday, November 7, 2024 from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (ET) at the McCarthy Arts Center Art Gallery.

Twenty-Third Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Lecture

Event Tags:
Cheray 101, Cheray Science Hall

Twenty-Third Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Lecture Friday, November 8, at 3:30 p.m. Cheray 101 Speaker: Stanley Chang, Professor of Mathematics, Wellesley College Title: Voting Systems and the Illusion of Fairness The variation of voting systems used across the world emerges from Arrow's Theorem, which states that any voting scheme in plurality contests must violate some […]

Twenty-Third Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Lecture: Voting Systems and the Illusion of Fairness

Event Tags:
Cheray 101, Cheray Science Hall

Twenty-Third Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Lecture Voting Systems and the Illusion of Fairness Friday, November 8, at 3:30 p.m. Cheray 101, Cheray Science Hall Stanley Chang, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, Wellesley College The variation of voting systems used across the world emerges from Arrow's Theorem, which states that any voting scheme in plurality contests must […]

Flags on the Lawn

Durick Library Lawn In front of Durick Library, Saint Michael's College

Putting up American flags on the Durick Library lawn the morning of Veteran's Day. Will remain up the next few days. (Assistance in taking them down not required.)