Events Calendar


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Stowe Pinnacle Hike

Event Tags:
Alumni Hall

Join for a hike to Stowe Pinnacle, a moderate hike that rises out of Stowe and provides amazing views of Mt Mansfield and beyond, on Sunday, Sept. 22. No experience is necessary and any needed equipment including clothing and boots are provided. Transportation is also provided. Spaces are limited and fill on a first-come, first-served basis. Drop by the Adventure Sports Center on the ground floor of Alumni Hall between 10 and and 3 pm Monday - Thursday to sign up.

Fundamentals of Mountain Biking

Event Tags:
Alumni Hall

Join us for a half-day exploring local trails on mountain bikes on Sunday, Sept. 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. No trail biking experience is necessary although you do need to be able to ride a bicycle. Any needed equipment is provided along with transportation. Spaces are limited and fill on a first-come, first-served basis. Drop by the Adventure Sports Center on the ground floor of Alumni Hall between 10 and and 3 pm Monday - Thursday to sign up.

Benefit Concert for Mercy Ecospirituality Center

Event Tags:
Recital Hall, McCarthy Arts Center

The Mercy Ecospirituality Center, a sponsored work of the Sisters of Mercy, is pleased to announce a benefit concert featuring Vermont's Freedom & Unity Chorus. The concert will take place on Sunday, September 22nd at 3:00 p.m. in the McCarthy Arts Center Recital Hall.

Self-Care and Study Sunday

Event Tags:
Aubin Hall

Self-Care and Study Sunday Sunday, September 22, from 8 to 9 p.m. Aubin Hall 4th floor Common Room Take some time to get ready for the school week. Join the Quad RAs in the Aubin common rooms to study and practice some self-care.

Chalk and Talk

Event Tags:
Cashman Hall

Chalk and Talk Sunday, September 22, at 8 p.m. Cashman Hall Take some time to decompress before the school week and chalking it up outside of Cashman.

Studious Sundays

Event Tags:
Canterbury Hall

Studious Sundays Sunday, September 22, from 8 to 9 p.m. Canterbury Hall Staff Office Come join the Suites North staff and get ready for the school week by studying and getting some homework done.

Movie Night with Green Up

Cheray 101, Cheray Science Hall

Movie Night with Green Up Monday, September 23, from 7 to 9 p.m. Cheray 101 Come watch the Lorax with Green Up! There will be cotton candy and popcorn provided. […]