Events Calendar


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Movie Night with Green Up

Cheray 101, Cheray Science Hall

Movie Night with Green Up Monday, September 23, from 7 to 9 p.m. Cheray 101 Come watch the Lorax with Green Up! There will be cotton candy and popcorn provided. […]

“Toward a Catholic Voting Ethic: Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship”

Recital Hall, McCarthy Arts Center

Fr. Thomas Massaro, S.J., professor of moral theology at Fordham University, will address the issue of voting from the perspective of the Catholic Church's principles of social justice and the right formation of conscience.
on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the McCarthy Arts Center.

Event Series In-Person Farm Stand

In-Person Farm Stand

Lobby, Alliot Student Center

Join us in the Alliot Lobby every Thursday from September 5 through October 2 to check out what SMC Farm produce we have available for purchase! Our Farm Crew student will staff the Farm Stand from 12:30pm to 5:00pm. Purchases can be made with cash, credit/debit card, Knight Card, or CSA credit.