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Sending Sisterhood: Building Benevolent Beloved Communities through the United States Postal System

Roy Room, Dion Family Student Center

Sending Sisterhood: Building Benevolent Beloved Communities through the United States Postal System Tuesday, January 21 2:45 to 3:50 p.m. Roy Room, Dion Family Student Center Sending Sisterhood: Building Benevolent Beloved Communities through the United States Postal System with Pamela N. Walker, PhD, Assistant Professor of History, University of Vermont   Dr. Walker’s talk will discuss the […]

MLK Convocation Keynote – “Martin Luther King, Jr., Yesterday and Today: Walk Together Children, Don’t Ya Get Weary”

Roy Room, Dion Family Student Center

MLK Convocation Keynote - "Martin Luther King, Jr., Yesterday and Today: Walk Together Children, Don’t Ya Get Weary" Rev. Dr. Shaun Whitehead Tuesday, January 21 4 to 5:30 p.m. Roy Room, Dion Family Student Center Keynote with Rev. Dr. Shaun Whitehead, University Chaplain, Saint Lawrence University