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“A Taste of Freedom” by Sadie Chamberlain ’25

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Recital Hall, McCarthy Arts Center

The Fall Mainstage Theatre production is "A Taste of Freedom" written by Sadie Chamberlain, SMC class of 2025 will be performed on Wednesday, November 6, at 7 p.m. in the McCarthy Arts Center Theater.

Flags on the Lawn

Durick Library Lawn In front of Durick Library, Saint Michael's College

Putting up American flags on the Durick Library lawn the morning of Veteran's Day. Will remain up the next few days. (Assistance in taking them down not required.)

Onion River Review Open Reading

Farrell Room, Saint Edmund’s Hall

Onion River Review Open Reading Monday, November 11, from 6 to 7 p.m. Farrell Room, Saint Edmund's Hall The Onion River Review will be hosting an open reading! Come to share your own poetry or prose, the work of someone you admire, or just to listen. There will be some hot drinks and snacks!