
Monday November 14, 2022

7:00pm - 9:00pm

The Role of the Global Compact on Migration in a World of Dislocation and Displacement

Colby Fane-Cushing '25, second from right, poses with fellow student researchers and Saint Michael's College professors at the Eastern Psychological Association's annual meeting in 2023. The team attended the meeting in Boston to present their findings related to a study on how VR meditation can affect stress levels. (Photo courtesy of Melissa VanderKaay Tomasulo)

The Role of the Global Compact on Migration in a World of Dislocation and Displacement

The Role of the Global Compact on Migration in a World of Dislocation and Displacement

Monday, November 14, at 7 p.m. in the Farrell Room

Sonali Samarasinghe is a human rights activist, journalist, lawyer and diplomat, having represented Sri Lanka for many years in the United Nations, and she is now the Coordinator of Interpretation and Translation Services with USCRI-Vermont.

Sonali Samarasinghe will give a presentation as part of International Education Week.