
Tuesday April 18, 2023

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Solutions for Social Impact Seminar Series: The Biodiversity Crisis and What We Can Do About It

Featured Biology

Solutions for Social Impact Seminar Series: The Biodiversity Crisis and What We Can Do About It

The Biodiversity Crisis and What We Can Do About It

Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 6 p.m. 

McCarthy Arts Center Recital Hall and livestream (smcvt.edu/smcpresents)

Presenter: Biology Professor Declan McCabe, PhD 

Throughout our recorded history, humans have co-opted an increasing bulk of Earth’s resources and turned them to our bidding. As a result, the loss of certain species has increased at an alarming level. There is no “us and them” – humans and nature are one, and we sink or swim together. We have caused the problem, and we must take ownership of the solutions. So, what can we do about it?  

Biology Professor Declan McCabe will draw upon the wealth of conservation literature to discuss applied solutions to this crisis applied at all scales – from individual choices to international policies. Management strategies applied on Saint Michael’s College’s campus will be used to illustrate straightforward actions that all of us can take to reduce biodiversity loss and effectively rehabilitate habitats.

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