
Tuesday October 24, 2023

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Solutions for Social Impact: Is there a clean-energy path to a stable climate future?

Colby Fane-Cushing '25, second from right, poses with fellow student researchers and Saint Michael's College professors at the Eastern Psychological Association's annual meeting in 2023. The team attended the meeting in Boston to present their findings related to a study on how VR meditation can affect stress levels. (Photo courtesy of Melissa VanderKaay Tomasulo)

Solutions for Social Impact: Is there a clean-energy path to a stable climate future?

Is there a clean-energy path to a stable climate future? 

October 24, 2023

5 p.m.

McCarthy Arts Center Recital Hall 

Professor Alain Brizard, Ph.D., Department of Physics


We live in a society that makes huge demands on energy production and distribution. Creating this energy has a price – and our environment has often borne the brunt of that cost. But, could there be a way to produce energy without wreaking havoc on our Earth and destabilizing its climate too?   


Saint Michael’s College Physics Professor Alain Brizard has been one of the world’s leading theorists in fusion plasma research for almost four decades. He will present on the major forms of energy used in our modern society (derived from fossil and nuclear fuels, as well as derived directly and indirectly from the Sun), and discuss their impacts on the environment as well as their potential roles in stabilizing or destabilizing Earth’s climate.