Wednesday March 29, 2023
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Solutions for Social Impact Speaker Series

Solutions for Social Impact Speaker Series
Feeling overwhelmed? How to spot the signs and address approaching burnout
March 29, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.
McCarthy Arts Center Recital Hall
The event will also be available via live stream. Click here to access the live stream.
Presenters: Neuroscience Professor Ruth Fabian-Fine, PhD, and Neuroscience students, Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students Dawn Ellinwood, Director of Counseling Kathy Butts, and Associate Dean of the College Tim Mackin
It’s easy to feel completely exhausted and overburdened by everything happening in the world around us these days. Sometimes it’s hard enough just to complete daily tasks at work or school. Add to that world events, social media, financial or personal struggles, and other stressors that can easily cause people to feel overwhelmed and anxious – often to the point where they burn out.
Students in the Saint Michael’s College Neuroscience Program will provide a scientific foundation to explain how stress, anxiety and burnout can be caused and how they manifest in the brain. Dawn Ellinwood, Kathy Butts, and Tim Mackin will then share their observations of what they’ve seen around campus, how to spot signs of impending burnout, and what tools and resources are available to College community members so they can mitigate these feelings and avoid burnout.