Monday January 15, 2024
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Promised on Paper, Pathetic in Practice: Race and the US Constitution Through the Eyes of Dr. King

MLK Convocation
Promised on Paper, Pathetic in Practice: Race and the US Constitution Through the Eyes of Dr. King
Promised on Paper, Pathetic in Practice: Race and the US Constitution Through the Eyes of Dr. King with Traci Griffith, J.D., Racial Justice Program Director, ACLU Massachusetts
Monday, January 15, 2024
4 p.m.
Dion Center, Roy Room
Keynote speaker: Traci Griffith, J.D.
The United States Constitution of 1787 sought to “establish Justice…promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty” for all Americans. Yet, time and time again, “liberty for all” seemed to exclude Black and Brown Americans. How can we fulfill the promise of the Constitution and the vision of Dr. King’s Beloved Community?
Sponsored by the Donald J. Sutherland Lecture Series
The event will be followed by an MLK Social Hour with food from BIPOC-owned businesses.