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Flood Simulations with ES-310, SUNY: Plattsburgh, and LCBP

February 20 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Flood Simulations with ES-310, SUNY: Plattsburgh, and LCBP

Thursday, February 20, at noon
Lake Champlain Basin Program (South Hero, Vt.)

Professor Alexandra Harden, a Leahy Teaching Fellow, is bringing her students in her ES-310: Environmental Hazards class up to Lake Champlain Basin Program’s (LCBP) main office in South Hero, VT to learn alongside students in SUNY: Plattsburgh’s: Center for Earth & Environmental Science. They will work with flooding simulations to understand mitigation, preparedness, and prevention of flooding of Lake Champlain.

Flood Resilience in a Transboundary Watershed simulation explores the dynamics of flood mitigation planning and adaptation in a transboundary waterway. The simulation includes scientific, governance and private sector roles. Students in ES-310 will come back to campus having career exposure and place-based education that is meaningful to them and their peers. This field trip is not open for additional attendees.


February 20
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Lake Champlain Basin Program
South Hero, VT United States