Saturday February 25, 2023
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Benefit Concert for Earthquake Relief

Benefit Concert for Earthquake Relief
A Benefit Concert for Earthquake Relief
Johannes Brahms, German Requiem
Green Mountain Mahler Festival Orchestra and Chorus
Sherrill Blodget and Nathaniel Lew, Conductors
7:30 PM Saturday, February 25, 2023
Saint Michael’s College Chapel, Colchester, Vermont
The Green Mountain Mahler Festival presents a performance of the Brahms German Requiem at 7:30 pm on Saturday, February 25 at the Saint Michael’s College Chapel in Colchester. Sherrill Blodget and Nathaniel Lew conduct the orchestra and chorus, with vocal soloists Helen Lyons and Cameron Wescott.
Donations will be accepted at the door with all proceeds going toward relief efforts in Turkey and Syria. For more information, visit the GMMF website at
The Green Mountain Mahler Festival is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Interested singers can still sign up at