
Thursday April 7, 2022

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Artistic Workshops and Multicultural Food - 30th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation

Colby Fane-Cushing '25, second from right, poses with fellow student researchers and Saint Michael's College professors at the Eastern Psychological Association's annual meeting in 2023. The team attended the meeting in Boston to present their findings related to a study on how VR meditation can affect stress levels. (Photo courtesy of Melissa VanderKaay Tomasulo)
Featured Center for Student Diversity, Empowerment, and Community

Artistic Workshops and Multicultural Food - 30th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation

On Thursday, April 7 in the Dion Center Roy Room from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. will be three artistic workshops and multicultural food.

Workshop 1 is Mural Design with Cynthia Cagle, Workshop 2 is fan painting with Professor Misso Bang, and Workshop 3 is Poetry and Writing with Rajnii Eddins. You can taste food from around the world throughout the workshops.

The event part of a host of activities for the 30th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation Week for the campus community to join. This year’s theme is “Understanding Racial Equity and Rights through Art, Literature and Music.