Monday March 1, 2021
4:30pm - 6:30pm
The Annual Rabbi Max B. Wall Memorial Lecture

The Annual Rabbi Max B. Wall Memorial Lecture
The Annual Rabbi Max B. Wall Memorial Lecture: What’s Jewish about Jewish Environmentalism?
Featuring Alon Tal, Professor of Public Policy at Tel Aviv University
What is the Jewish approach to environmental protection and conservation? This talk argues that Environmentalism and Judaism are essentially synonymous, and that the Jewish perspective has unique insights and approaches to the global challenges of sustainability. Relying on text study and examples from modern Israel, the talk offers an interactive exploration of how this ancient tradition perceives humans’ relations with the earth and why it might be relevant for people on the planet today.
March 1, 2021 4:30 p.m.
Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 955 0369 8447
Passcode: 167307