Tuesday November 9, 2021
4:45pm - 6:00pm
Scholar in Residence, Jolivette Anderson-Douoning presents “When and Where ‘We the People’ Enter(ed)”

Scholar in Residence, Jolivette Anderson-Douoning presents “When and Where ‘We the People’ Enter(ed)”
Join the lecture via Zoom – https://smcvt.zoom.us/j/91811829209?pwd=SndDWWJ4eGhPSUxySGVZU3pFci9Idz09
The Saint Michael’s Inaugural Edmundite Fellow Scholar in Residence, Jolivette Anderson-Douoning, will present a lecture outlining findings from her dissertation titled ‘LOUISIANA LEARNING: Race-Space Geographic Education and the Creation of a Black Cultural ‘Place’ in Shreveport’s Hollywood Neighborhood’ on Tuesday, November 9, at 4:45 p.m. in the McCarthy Arts Center.
The lecture will map the American Dream as it has been lived by Black Americans going back six generations in Caddo and DeSoto Parishes in North Louisiana.
Anderson-Douoning’s research connects 190 years of ‘paternal’ oral and land ownership history (from 1830s) to 70 years ‘maternal’ “field to factory” history (from late 1940s) that will teach the audience lessons about Race, Anti-Racism, Black Culture, Self-Liberation, Democracy, and survival by using one of many often unheard of narratives from the Black American experience in the United States.
Family archives in conversation with Louisiana State University-Shreveport and Southern University Shreveport Archives are the source materials used to center the voice of a Black woman named Mrs. Goldleana.
Mrs. Goldleana left hand written documentation of the history of the United States because she wrote down the day to day happenings of her rural to urban migration. Her life in her community is a historiography that exemplifies how ‘inclusion’ into the nation’s history should be told and taught.
Those interested is what is means to be Black in America and to be Black American will gain insight and understanding as we all move forward toward trying to better ourselves, each other, and the United States of America.