Wednesday March 4, 2020
7:00pm - 8:45pm
Quebec Film Series: D'encre et de sang (Of Ink and Blood)

Quebec Film Series: D'encre et de sang (Of Ink and Blood)
Quebec Film Series will present “D’encre et de sang/Of Ink and Blood” on March 4, 2020 at 7 p.m. in Cheray 101.
D’ENCRE ET DE SANG/ OF INK AND BLOOD (Drama by Francis Fortin, Alexis Fortier Gauthier & Maxim Rheault, 1h22 min) – Sébastien owns a bookshop and has literary ambitions of his own. He befriends Joseph, an established novelist whose work he admires. But when Joseph is killed on his doorstep, Sébastien discovers a mysterious manuscript left behind. Sasha, Sébastien’s only child, witnesses Joseph’s death, and the effects run deep. She finds herself drawn to the author’s son Sidney, and starts a relationship with him. As the two grow closer, the secrets of their fathers threaten their relationship and lead each of them to seek the truth behind the lies.