
Thursday March 18, 2021

3:35pm - 5:30pm

Mathematics Education Forum: Alumni Reflections and Advice


Mathematics Education Forum: Alumni Reflections and Advice

Mathematics Education Forum: Alumni Reflections and Advice
Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 3:35 p.m.
Meeting ID: 942 5116 9803; Passcode: 033334
This panel discussion will feature reflections of several Saint Michael’s alumni about their mathematics education experiences and how their liberal arts education helped to prepare them for teaching and related endeavors.
Panelists will offer practical advice for current students considering a career in education. The discussion is open to the public.
Sponsored by Saint Michael’s Mathematics and Statistics Department, the Vermont Alpha Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, Honorary National Mathematics Society, with support from Saint Michael’s Campus Events Committee/Fund
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