Monday November 15, 2021
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Annual Saint Edmund Lecture - Dr. Andrew Reeves, PhD

Lecture/Speaker Edmundite Campus Ministry
Annual Saint Edmund Lecture - Dr. Andrew Reeves, PhD
The Annual Saint Edmund Lecture will be presented on Monday, November 15, at 4:30 p.m. in the Roy Event Room of the Dion Family Student Center. The lecture will be given by Dr. Andrew Reeves, PhD, Assistant Professor of History at Middle Georgia State University. The lecture is titled: ’We firmly believe’: St. Edmund’s Speculum ecclesiae and its translations in light of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215.
Dr. Andrew Reeves, PhD holds degrees in Ph.D. in Medieval Studies, University of Toronto; Master of Arts in Medieval Studies, University of Toronto; Bachelor of Arts in History and English, University of Texas at Austin. His book is titled Religious Education in Thirteenth-Century England: The Creed and Articles of Faith