Division of Edmundite Mission

“Road to Emmaus” sculpture by artist Paul Aschenbach, which stands in the courtyard between St. Edmunds, Jeanmarie and Cheray Halls.

A Mission Driven College

It is the Mission of Saint Michael’s College to contribute through higher education to the enhancement of the human person and the advancement of human culture in light of the Catholic faith.

The Division of Edmundite Mission promotes the college’s mission in two distinct ways.  First, students in their education and preparation for meaningful lives are offered experiential learning that is informed by the social teachings of the Catholic Church. Second, the lived history of the Society of Saint Edmund acts as a historical record of how the principles of social justice can reshape the lives of individuals living at the periphery of society.

Under the Division of Edmundite Mission are Campus Ministry, Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts (MOVE), the Institute for Equity and Justice, and the two Edmundite centers, the Center for Faith and Culture and the Center for Peace and Justice.

An Activism Rooted in Faith and a Faith That Does Justice

The Society of Saint Edmund, a Roman Catholic religious community of priests and brothers, has long championed the principles of social justice in its ministry to African Americans in the South, the poor of Caracas, and those in recovery from addiction. The lived history of Edmundites is one in which they have sought to stand in solidarity with those on the periphery of society. Accordingly, Saint Michael’s College, operating under the auspices of the Edmundite community, has as a major focus, in educating emerging adults, learning about the principles of social justice and the practice of social justice not only during the college years but also for life.

The Sacred Ground of the Other

The Division of Edmundite Mission embraces all students, faculty, and staff at St. Michael’s College.  As a Catholic college, Saint Michael’s uses the term “catholic” in its original biblical Greek meaning:  universal. Accordingly, the College welcome everyone and seeks to make the College a place where all can belong. The College values diversity and embraces the plurality of those who comprise the college community.  Each person’s uniqueness is prized.  As Pope Francis remarked when speaking of how people are to treat others, “The Church will have to initiate everyone—priests, religious and laity—into this ‘art of accompaniment’ which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other (cf. Ex 3:5). (Evangelii Gaudium, 169).

Campus Partners

The Division of Edmundite Mission oversees campus partners in raising awareness of and promoting the mission of the College.

Edmundite Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry offers both Catholics and non-Catholics opportunities to take part in devotional practices that reflect individual faith and encourage faith development. The sacramental life of the college offers students opportunities to pray with a Catholic faith community made up of persons from the College and from the local area. Retreats and faith sharing at meals provide students with occasions to explore their beliefs with other Catholic and non-Catholic students alike.

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Group photo of students who participated in First-Year Apple Picking with MOVE at Chapin Orchard on Sept. 7, 2024. (Photo courtesy of Vicky Castillo/MOVE)

Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts

The Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts (MOVE) is the service outreach arm of the College. MOVE connects students with service opportunities and provides students with both times of learning about what service entails and times to reflect on service after having engaged. The commitment of the College to the principles of social justice are best found in the service engagement of students with the local community and communities nationally.

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Institute for Equity and Justice

The Institute for Equity and Justice helps students to acquire the leadership skills needed in living in an increasingly globalized world, in protecting and preserving a healthy environment, and in making society accessible for all people, regardless of race, gender, or culture. The programming of the Institute offers students opportunities to investigate occurrences of inequity in American society and to develop strategies that give everyone greater access to all that American society has to offer.

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The Edmundite Centers

The Edmundite Center for Faith and Culture and the Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice integrate the Catholic tradition in relation to peace, justice and human culture through education, research, spiritual formation and outreach programs throughout the College community.

Fr. David Theroux, S.S.E., Director of the Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice, left, introduces Frank DeBernardo of New Ways Ministry during an event on April 10, 2024. (Photo by Elizabeth Murray/Saint Michael's College)

Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice

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Kelechi Onuoha '23 inspires and fires up the new Class of 2026 Friday evening in the chapel.

Edmundite Center for Faith and Culture

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Meet the Vice President

Fr. David Theroux, SSE, EdD, ’70 serves as the inaugural Vice President of Edmundite Mission and oversees Campus Ministry, Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts (MOVE), the Institute for Equity and Justice, and the two Edmundite centers, the Edmundite Center for Faith and Culture and the Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice.

A member of the Society of Saint Edmund marches on the Edmund Pettis Bridge during the Civil Rights movement.

About the Society of Saint Edmund

The Society of Saint Edmund focuses on the four core ministries of Social Justice, Education, Spiritual Renewal, and Pastoral Ministry and has served communities across the United States, including Vermont; Selma, Alabama; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Mystic, Connecticut.

The Edmundites help foster a thriving campus ministry at Saint Michael’s, feed the hungry and homeless, counsel recovering alcoholics in 12-step programs and work to make a home for people in the Catholic Church.

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Division of Edmundite Mission Blog

A weekly blog will explore themes of higher education, religion, service and more as a way to explore the College’s identity.

News See more news

Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

February 25, 2025

The Catholic Intellectual Tradition and Catholic Pedagogy

We often speak about the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT) and indeed have integrated CIT into the curriculum of Saint Michael’s College.  Monika Hellwig, to whom many in contemporary Catholic education […]

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Preserving the Education of Students “In the Light of the Catholic Faith”

February 19, 2025

Preserving the Education of Students “In the Light of the Catholic Faith”

In a previous blog, I noted the significant change that took place at Saint Michael’s College in the late 1960s, following the publication of the “Land O’ Lakes Statement.”  For […]

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Events See more events

March 6, 2025

What Does it Mean to be a Vermonter?

What Does it Mean to be a Vermonter? Thursday, March 6, at 1:45 p.m. Roy Room, Dion Family Student Center The Presidential Committee for the Martin Luther King Jr. 2025 […]