Keir Willett Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Keir Willett


B.A. in Liberal Arts, Sarah Lawrence College, 2010
M.A. in Philosophy, the New School, 2014
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Tulane University, 2022

Areas of Expertise

Ancient Greek Philosophy, Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy and Literature

Courses I Teach

Philosophy and the Good Life, Philosophy of Action, Asian Philosophy

About Professor Willett

One of the most beautiful things about philosophy is that no real distinction can be drawn between what we study and the act of studying it. My goal as a teacher is to nurture conversations in the classroom that metamorphose mysteriously and magically from talk about philosophy into philosophizing through talk.


Thematically, my research tends to concern metaphysical questions insofar as they arise in daily life, enmeshed in ethical and political considerations.

Awards, Recognitions, Memberships

Tulane Philosophy Department Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2021

Recent News

I defended my dissertation on Plato’s Sophist and Heidegger in July 2022. It can be read here: