Jenna Farber

Campus Activities and Organizations in Which You Are Or Have Been Involved: Common Ground, Fix it with Five, Founders Society, Honors Program, MOVE, Random Acts of Kindness, WWPV (campus radio), Feminist Club
One Interesting Thing About Me: I’m a research assistant and got to present at the Eastern Psychological Association in Boston.
My Best Memory From My First Year At SMC: During orientation, there was an Ultimate Rock Paper Scissor game where all of us played. Each time you won, the loser joined your cheer team as you ran around finding new opponents. The girl who won ended up becoming my best friend.
One Thing I Wish I Knew Before I Moved In My First Year: Don’t fret about “finding your people”; over time making friendships in college become easier. For me the best friendship were the ones I never expected and just happened somehow.