International Relations Learning Outcomes

Students who receive a B.A. in International Relations will:

  • Understand key concepts and concerns in international relations, including notably the way power is acquired and used globally and how states and non-state actors interact
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for the practice of comparative political inquiry, and an understanding of institutions of American government or traditions of Western and non-Western political thought
  • Become familiar with contemporary theories of international relations to use as lenses to differently explain outcomes and events in world affairs
  • Become conversant in current international events through a close reading of the news and interpretation of events through international relations theories and concepts
  • Develop the ability to evaluate and synthesize information from diverse and reliable sources, identifying and differentiating between primary and secondary source material
  • Bring research skills to bear on a specific issue related to international affairs, producing a research paper, opinion paper, personal reflection or analytical essay
  • Exhibit familiarity with research methods by students of international relations and political science to pose and answer questions and conduct research
  • Effectively develop a logical argument and justify a position through written and oral presentations and demonstrate the ability to read and question original research and theoretical writings
  • Engage in an international practicum—study abroad or international internship—that enhances global citizenship and cultural competence
  • Understanding of the relationship between personal ethics, individual decisions and public outcomes at the national and international levels