

Explore Your Choices. Find Your Path.


Making a decision about a major can be hard. In fact, about 80 percent of students in the United States end up changing their major at least once, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. On average, college students change their major at least three times over the course of their college career. That’s why at Saint Michael’s College, we offer an Exploratory “major” for first-year students. We think it’s wise to get to know the college experience from the inside and explore various disciplines before choosing a specific course of study.

In recent years, Exploratory has become our largest “major” for first-years, as we encourage our students to try a variety of subjects before they settle on one of our 38 majors. Each student is assigned a faculty academic advisor to help walk them through the process, give advice on any academic topic and guide efforts in finding the best course for each student.

Academic Enrichment, Career Education, and the Associate Dean’s office are all staffed with trained personnel who provide any help that a student needs as they explore Saint Michael’s and look to find their path. All of our faculty and staff are ready to provide students with guidance to help improve study skills and identify career plans.

At Saint Michael’s we are all here to help students identify and achieve whatever goals they set for themselves.


Learn more about the Exploratory program from our Saint Michael’s professors in the video below:


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