Accessibility Services

Saint Michael’s College is devoted to ensuring equal educational opportunities and a responsive campus environment for students with disabilities. Support is provided through the Office of Accessibility Services located in the Academic Enrichment Commons in Durick Library. The Director promotes self-awareness for students with disabilities by educating them about their rights so that they can independently advocate and make choices to meet or exceed the academic standards expected of them. All eligible students are invited and encouraged to seek access to the services provided.

Getting Started
To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodations, students with learning disabilities must provide appropriate documentation to the Director of Accessibility Services. A clear understanding of a student’s strengths and weaknesses in learning and the influence of the disability on current and past educational process will afford a broader assessment of capabilities, challenges, and consonant needs. Students with learning differences and hindrances that affect learning are encouraged to forward their current and comprehensive documentation to the Director of Accessibility Services during the summer months before the beginning of their first semester. Students with documented disabilities are then asked to meet with the Director of Accessibility Services at the start of the academic semester in order to discuss course planning and strategies for success.​

To schedule an appointment, email Mary Wright, Director, at

Disability Disclosure and Documentation

To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodations, students must provide the required documentation materials as outlined below. The earlier the information is received, the better prepared the college will be to address specific needs.

Please mail material to:

Mary Wright, Director
Office of Accessibility Services
Saint Michael’s College
One Winooski Park, Box 367
Colchester, Vermont 05439

For students with physical and sensory disabilities, psychological disabilities, and chronic illnesses:
Contact the Office of Accessibility Services to discuss appropriate documentation specific to your individual needs.

For students with learning disabilities (LD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD):
To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodation, test scores must reflect a significant limitation in learning which substantiates requests for accommodations. Those students seeking course accommodations and/or exam modifications must provide the following:

  1. A written diagnosis from a qualified professional stating the presence of a learning disability (LD) or a written confirmation of early and current impairment including information from a diagnostic interview along with an outline of current presenting problems and how they impact classroom learning (ADD).
  2. A psycho educational or neurological evaluation administered by a qualified professional or educational team within the last four to six years immediately prior to Saint Michael’s enrollment.

This evaluation must report sub-test scores, standard scores, and percentile ranks, and include cognitive and achievement testing.

Note: An IEP or 504 Plan is insufficient material but can be included in the packet of comprehensive information.

Second Language Requirement

Although Saint Michael’s College has a language proficiency requirement, we recognize that some students have learning disabilities that affect the way they learn languages.

If you have a language-based disability or a disability that affects language learning, and if you provide current and comprehensive documentation of it, we will do our best to provide you with the course and accommodations you need to succeed in your study of a second language. Modified options would be available to you at the onset of your sophomore year.

If you have a learning disability that affects language learning and are currently enrolled in a modern language course this semester it is advised that you meet with the Director of Accessibility Services early in the semester to discuss options available to you.

For more information, contact:
Mary Wright

Tuition Remission Program

Saint Michael’s College accommodates the special needs of those students who are covered by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992. In order to make regular progress towards graduation, students should take eight 4-credit courses per year. However, if the College is provided with current and comprehensive documentation of a learning difference or hindrance that affects learning, permission may be granted to take a reduced course load during the academic year. Subsequently, the student may be granted a tuition waiver for a maximum of two summer session courses taken at Saint Michael’s College under the criteria outlined below.

Tuition Remission Program criteria:

  • If permission is granted to take a reduced course load because of a documented disability, a student may be eligible for a tuition waiver for one or two courses during the summer sessions immediately following the academic year. If a student is granted permission to take a total of six courses during the preceding academic year, (3/3), the student is eligible for a tuition waiver for up to two courses. If the total course load is granted at seven courses during the academic year, (3/4 or 4/3 or 3.5/3.5), the student is eligible for a tuition waiver for one course. Decisions are made on a case by case basis, determined in part by the student’s documentation, assessed by the Director of Academic Support Services, and approved by the Associate Dean of the College.
  • In calculating the number of courses, Saint Michael’s College considers all courses attempted at the beginning of the semester. Withdrawing from a course later in the semester does not constitute a “reduced course load” under the policy. Furthermore, part-time students are not considered eligible for this tuition waiver.
  • If a senior has been granted such an accommodation and is planning to take the last two courses in the summer following the graduation ceremony, that student may process at graduation and “cross the stage,” although no diploma will be awarded.
  • The College’s fee waiver is for tuition only at Saint Michael’s College. It does not extend to room, board, other fees, or tuition at an institution other than Saint Michael’s College. If students who have taken 3/4 or 4/3 or 3.5/3.5 during the academic year wish to take advantage of the summer tuition waiver, they must present a request form for a tuition waiver to the Office of the Associate Dean by April 28 for courses in the summer immediately following that academic year.

For more information, contact Mary Wright, Director of Accessibility Services and Academic Support, 802.654.2232 or Jane Viens, Administrative Assistant, Office of the Associate Dean of the College, 802.654.2467.

Testing Area

Testing Area:

Our testing areas offer quiet, distraction free places for students with learning differences to take their quizzes and exams. Equipped with full spectrum lighting and ergonomic chairs designed for your comfort and support, the spaces are tucked away for your privacy and peace of mind.

For more information, contact Leslie Turner, at, 802-654-2467.


Disability Disclosure and Documentation

To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodations, students must provide the required documentation materials as outlined below. The earlier the information is received, the better prepared the college will be to address specific needs.

Please mail material to:

Mary Wright, Director
Office of Accessibility Services
Saint Michael’s College
One Winooski Park, Box 367
Colchester, Vermont 05439

For students with physical and sensory disabilities, psychological disabilities, and chronic illnesses:
Contact the Office of Accessibility Services to discuss appropriate documentation specific to your individual needs.

For students with learning disabilities (LD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD):
To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodation, test scores must reflect a significant limitation in learning which substantiates requests for accommodations. Those students seeking course accommodations and/or exam modifications must provide the following:

  1. A written diagnosis from a qualified professional stating the presence of a learning disability (LD) or a written confirmation of early and current impairment including information from a diagnostic interview along with an outline of current presenting problems and how they impact classroom learning (ADD).
  2. A psycho educational or neurological evaluation administered by a qualified professional or educational team within the last four to six years immediately prior to Saint Michael’s enrollment.

This evaluation must report sub-test scores, standard scores, and percentile ranks, and include cognitive and achievement testing.

Note: An IEP or 504 Plan is insufficient material but can be included in the packet of comprehensive information.

Second Language Requirement

Although Saint Michael’s College has a language proficiency requirement, we recognize that some students have learning disabilities that affect the way they learn languages.

If you have a language-based disability or a disability that affects language learning, and if you provide current and comprehensive documentation of it, we will do our best to provide you with the course and accommodations you need to succeed in your study of a second language. Modified options would be available to you at the onset of your sophomore year.

If you have a learning disability that affects language learning and are currently enrolled in a modern language course this semester it is advised that you meet with the Director of Accessibility Services early in the semester to discuss options available to you.

For more information, contact:
Mary Wright

Tuition Remission Program

Saint Michael’s College accommodates the special needs of those students who are covered by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992. In order to make regular progress towards graduation, students should take eight 4-credit courses per year. However, if the College is provided with current and comprehensive documentation of a learning difference or hindrance that affects learning, permission may be granted to take a reduced course load during the academic year. Subsequently, the student may be granted a tuition waiver for a maximum of two summer session courses taken at Saint Michael’s College under the criteria outlined below.

Tuition Remission Program criteria:

  • If permission is granted to take a reduced course load because of a documented disability, a student may be eligible for a tuition waiver for one or two courses during the summer sessions immediately following the academic year. If a student is granted permission to take a total of six courses during the preceding academic year, (3/3), the student is eligible for a tuition waiver for up to two courses. If the total course load is granted at seven courses during the academic year, (3/4 or 4/3 or 3.5/3.5), the student is eligible for a tuition waiver for one course. Decisions are made on a case by case basis, determined in part by the student’s documentation, assessed by the Director of Academic Support Services, and approved by the Associate Dean of the College.
  • In calculating the number of courses, Saint Michael’s College considers all courses attempted at the beginning of the semester. Withdrawing from a course later in the semester does not constitute a “reduced course load” under the policy. Furthermore, part-time students are not considered eligible for this tuition waiver.
  • If a senior has been granted such an accommodation and is planning to take the last two courses in the summer following the graduation ceremony, that student may process at graduation and “cross the stage,” although no diploma will be awarded.
  • The College’s fee waiver is for tuition only at Saint Michael’s College. It does not extend to room, board, other fees, or tuition at an institution other than Saint Michael’s College. If students who have taken 3/4 or 4/3 or 3.5/3.5 during the academic year wish to take advantage of the summer tuition waiver, they must present a request form for a tuition waiver to the Office of the Associate Dean by April 28 for courses in the summer immediately following that academic year.

For more information, contact Mary Wright, Director of Accessibility Services and Academic Support, 802.654.2232 or Jane Viens, Administrative Assistant, Office of the Associate Dean of the College, 802.654.2467.

Testing Area

Testing Area:

Our testing areas offer quiet, distraction free places for students with learning differences to take their quizzes and exams. Equipped with full spectrum lighting and ergonomic chairs designed for your comfort and support, the spaces are tucked away for your privacy and peace of mind.

For more information, contact Leslie Turner, at, 802-654-2467.