Gallery opening for Cy Sloane Retrospective highlights Vermont history, impact on students

September 13, 2024
Caitlin Herz '26

An exhibit in the McCarthy Art Gallery captures the legacy of Cyril “Cy” Sloane, Saint Michael’s first-ever art professor.

A gallery opening attendee takes in the work of former Saint Michael’s Art Professor Cy Sloane during an event at the McCarthy Art Gallery on Sept. 6, 2024. (Photo by Riley Treegoob ’26/McCarthy Art Gallery)

Jessica Engels ‘81, a former Saint Michael’s student, said Sloane’s art grasps the natural beauty of Vermont from a historical perspective. She recently spoke after the gallery opened on Sept. 6. The gallery is running until Sept. 20 on campus.

Two former Saint Michael’s professors who had worked alongside Cy Sloane – Fine Arts Professor William Tortolano and English Professor Nick Clary – were at the gallery opening and shared their own recollections of Sloane as both a person and an artist. Jessica Engels also offered a few remarks about her own motivation for bringing Sloane’s work back to people’s attention.

Engels commented on how it was amazing to see alumni come back to Saint Michael’s for this event. She said Cy Sloane had a profound impact on several of his students, and keeping his legacy alive is very important to them.

Engels worked alongside Professor Brian Collier of the Art & Design Department and College Archivist Liz Scott in the production of this exhibit.

“He was the first ever art professor – without him, this ball wouldn’t have gotten rolling,” Collier said. “The fact that his name is used for the art building just resonates. It’s like that sense of connection to the history of the place is just so strong, and he obviously had such an impact on his students who are standing over there right now.”

Curator Jessica Engels ’81 speaks with former Saint Michael’s Fine Arts Professor William Tortolano during the opening of the Cy Sloane Retrospective exhibit at the McCarthy Art Gallery on Sept. 6, 2024. (Photo by Riley Treegoob ’26/McCarthy Art Gallery)

Art & Design students study and complete their projects in an older building north of the main campus named “Sloane Hall.” This building is named after Professor Sloane, highlighting the significance he holds at Saint Michael’s College, said Collier.

Engels and Collier were both pleased with the turnout at the opening, commenting on how it was very exciting that both a variety of alumni and students attended.

Visitors of the McCarthy Art Gallery take in the work of former Saint Michael’s Art Professor Cy Sloane during a gallery opening on Sept. 6, 2024. (Photo by Riley Treegoob ’26/McCarthy Art Gallery)

Several students in the Art & Design program who visited the gallery during the opening were charmed by Sloane’s pieces.

“It’s very cool to see places in Vermont that are familiar to me painted in this way, especially because he was the first ever art professor at St. Mikes,” said Claire Barone ’26, a student majoring in Art & Design. “I recognized Camel’s Hump in his art immediately.”

The mission of the gallery was to commemorate Sloane’s legacy, and that was certainly the outcome from the event, Collier said. Engels agreed.

In a previous interview, Engels said she wanted to revitalize Sloane’s legacy as she felt it had been diminished.

“I think people who do great work should be remembered and honored,” Engels said. “That’s the point of this exhibit.”

More information about the McCarthy Art Gallery can be found at

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