Saint Michael’s signs on to Vermont Transfer Guarantee, smooths path from CCV to 4-year degree

May 8, 2024
New England Board of Higher Education

Boston, MA  — Four colleges and universities have committed to simplify transfer for students who earn associate degrees at the Community College of Vermont (CCV) and want to pursue a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year institution in Vermont. Champlain College (including Champlain College Online), Norwich University, Saint Michael’s College and Vermont State University have joined the New England Transfer Guarantee, a program of the New England Board of Higher Education.  Interested students should visit the student portal. This is the first year of Vermont’s participation.

The institutions have signed a memorandum of agreement joining the Vermont Transfer Guarantee and offering the following benefits to students:

  • Students equipped with an associate degree from CCV and who meet the required grade point average are guaranteed admission at the 4-year institution they choose.
  • The application fee and personal essay requirement are waived.
  • Transferring students are considered for institutional support in the form of grants and scholarships.  This aid is usually available only to first-time first-year students.

“The Vermont Transfer Guarantee simplifies the transfer process and helps students move toward their goal of a bachelor’s degree. The Guarantee removes barriers that previously slowed students down, discouraged them or involved extra expense, such as losing earned credits in the transfer process,” said Kimberly Jessup, President of the Association of Vermont Independent Colleges. “The Guarantee offers a clear path to saving students both time and money to degree.”

Vermont Transfer Guarantee

The members of the Vermont steering committee, including the Community College of Vermont, played a key role in establishing the Vermont Transfer Guarantee, with community college leadership also signing the memoranda of agreement.

“So many of our students aspire to continue their education beyond CCV, and the Transfer Guarantee gives them a practical path to those goals,” said CCV President Joyce Judy. “We are proud to partner with NEBHE and four-year institutions to better serve Vermont students and families, particularly those who face barriers to pursuing a college education.”

The first students transferring under this agreement will begin baccalaureate coursework at the above institutions in the Fall 2024 term, with a larger group anticipated in Spring 2025.

“The Transfer Guarantee is a valuable development for students as well as for the ‘early adopter’ colleges and universities in a group that we hope to see grow.  We welcome more four-year institutions to join the Transfer Guarantee to support students in reaching their goal of a bachelor’s degree,” said Loni Bordoloi Pazich, Senior Program Director, The Teagle Foundation.

Transfer Guarantee Students Making Significant Progress

The New England Transfer Guarantee was initiated in 2021 in the southern New England states– Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island–with support from the Teagle Foundation, the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, and the Davis Educational Foundation. The Balfour Foundation has come on board to support the efforts to scale to northern New England.

Recently published data from the second year of data of the Guarantee shows transfer students making significant progress toward their goals with their grade point averages increasing post-transfer and those who have graduated are doing so in efficient timeframes  — the average time to degree was four semesters.

“These transfer students also bring their diverse life experiences with them to their new campuses, advancing institutions’ diversity and student success goals.  Nearly half of the students participating in the program identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color,” said Michael K. Thomas, President and CEO, New England Board of Higher Education.

More information about Saint Michael’s College’s involvement in the Vermont Transfer Guarantee can be found here.>>

The URL for the student portal can be found here:

About the Transfer Guarantee

The New England Transfer Guarantee began in the southern New England states of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 2021. The program enables eligible community college graduates to transfer into participating four-year institutions – admission guaranteed. The implementation of pathways in the three northern New England states is underway—with first enrollments in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont expected in Fall 2024.

About the New England Board of Higher Education

NEBHE advances equitable postsecondary outcomes through convening, research, and programs for students, institution leaders and policymakers. Our vision is that everyone in New England will have lifelong access to affordable, high-value postsecondary education.

About Saint Michael’s College 

Saint Michael’s College, founded on principles of social justice and leading lives of purpose and consequence, is a selective, Catholic college just outside Burlington, Vermont, one of the country’s best college towns. Located between the Green Mountains and Lake Champlain, our closely connected community guarantees housing all four years and delivers internationally respected liberal arts together with an innovative Purposeful Learning Program, preparing students for fulfilling careers and meaningful lives. Young adults here grow intellectually, socially, and morally, learning to be responsible for themselves, each other, and their world.  

Contact: Peggy Hayes, New England Board of Higher Education, 617-533-9501, 

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