Purposeful Learning creates social impact
Saint Michael’s Purposeful Learning sections worked on their social impact experiences this week to create a wide variety of Do Well and Do Good initiatives.
Bergeron Wellness Center’s Be Well and the MakerSpace helped students create 15 “no phone boxes” to place around campus and encourage less scrolling and more face-to-face conversations.
Students took a meditative walk in Gilbrook Natural Area and stopped to pick up trash on the trail afterwards.
Two sections of students toured Fire and Rescue.
Students worked in Purposeful Learning to create art kits and friendship bracelet making kits that will be distributed to Art from the Heart, a program helping patients at University of Vermont Medical Center. Other groups made dessert skewers for patients at Hope Lodge.
Some groups created notes of appreciation by writing and delivering cards to folks who’ve made an impact on them during their time at Saint Michael’s or at home.
One group had a special lunch with the Edmundites.
Two sections learned about homelessness in Vermont with guest speakers from the Housing Authority and student leaders from Saint Michael’s community service organization, MOVE.
Some sections collaborated with the MakerSpace to create heart-shaped comments for the residents of Our Lady of Providence (OLOP) nursing facility in Winooski, which cares for a large population of nuns.
Another section worked with the Saint Michael’s Accessibility Office to learn more about accessibility and accommodations in education, particularly for students on the autism spectrum. The students also heard from student leaders of the Saint Michael’s student advocacy group, Students with Disability Advocacy Alliance (SDAA).
Look for remnants of these Purposeful Learning projects scattered around campus!