Admission staff honor the huge impact that school counselors make

The week of February 7-11 is designated to salute these vital helpers of anybody involved in the college search process

February 10, 2022
Staff report

counsel logoSaint Michael’s College joins in saluting school counselors during National School Counseling Week, February 7-11, 2022.

School counselors play a pivotal role in K-12 schools, said Michael Stefanowicz ’09, director of admission at Saint Michael’s. “While their work on the college counseling and planning process is the touchpoint to our work in Admission most often, school counselors also devote much of their time to supporting students’ social and emotional learning, academic planning, and supporting students through various personal challenges that allow them to be successful in school.”

He said particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic as students needed even more support, “school counselors continued to be a lynchpin to student success.”

In honor of National School Counseling Week, several of the Saint Michael’s admission staff reflected fondly on school counselors from their professional circles, from their experience as parents, or from their own high school years. Here are their testimonials:

Michael Stefanowicz ’09 M’15, Catholic Central High School, Troy, NY, honors the late Sister Monica Murphy, CSJ:



“I have such fond memories of Sister Monica Murphy, CSJ, my school counselor at Catholic Central High School in Troy, NY.  Of course, we spent a lot of time together during my college search, but equally impactful was her joy-filled, encouraging presence in our school community.  Sister Monica exemplified the role that school counselors play: Helping students to forge the best path academically and personally, and building connections and relationships with students.  When I would travel to the Capital Region of New York on admission recruiting trips, visiting my high school alma mater always included a long catch-up in Sister Monica’s office and often we compared notes on the happenings at St. Anne’s Shrine and her beloved Pyramid Life Center in the Adirondacks, a diocesan retreat site where she also served as the director. Sister Monica died unexpectedly in 2019, leaving a lasting legacy on decades of students.

Sullivan Miele ’20, Black River High School, Ludlow, VT, honors Alex Wawrzyniak and the Black River Guidance Office:


“I have to credit Mr. W and the whole Black River Guidance Office for me even knowing about Saint Michael’s. They nominated me for the Presidential Scholarship, and from there I found the college that I fell in love with. I was supported in so many ways through the office from personal struggles to post-grad planning. It opened up so many avenues for me to develop as a person inside and outside of the classroom. Without their guidance and support I never would have found my home away from home and the amazing community I count myself lucky to be in! I can’t thank them enough for all of their hard work with all of the students of Black River High School!



Vernita Weller, parent, honors “Mrs. Laurie Olsen”. at Essex High School:

One of my daughters struggled through her four years of high school. I have to credit Mrs. Laurie Olsen at Essex High School for her great support. This counselor spent meaningful time with my daughter talking her through emotional and educational challenges. She continuously spoke words of encouragement and affirmation that gave my daughter confidence to go on to college where she earned a degree. If it was not for this counselor I do not think my daughter would have finished high school graduating with a high school diploma, with a Fine Arts diploma as well. Today my daughter is an incredible caregive working with the elderly, something I know this counselor contributed to.

Stella Santos honors the professional contact with whom she works from Cristo Rey Tampa High School, Tampa, FL, Jennifer Smith:



“I’d like to highlight and thank Jennifer Smith, Director of College Counseling at Cristo Rey Tampa High School for her dedication to her students! I have had the pleasure of working with her professionally as she helps students navigate the college search process. It is so clear that she is always thinking with the students’ best interests in mind. She is always available for a quick text update or phone call and does a great job of helping us connect with interested students and families. I’m honored to have been able to strengthen the connection we have with her school and students and commend all the hard work that she does each and every day.”

Emma Clark ’20, Haddam-Killingworth High School, CT, honors the HK School counseling staff:




“I have wonderful memories of being guided and helped by the Haddam-Killingworth School Counseling staff. They helped me find Saint Michael’s. I wanted to keep a small community feel, similar to the one at my high school, so SMC was the perfect place for me. When traveling this fall as an admission counselor, I visited my old high school and school counselors and spoke with them about my personal college experience in hopes more HK students would be inspired to come to Saint Michael’s!”


Diaz Gomez

Adrian Diaz ’18, Vermont Academy ,Saxtons River, VT, honors Anne Corey Atkins:

As an international student, trying to find the right college for me was a challenge. Part of me wanted to go back to Spain, while another part wanted to stay in the U.S. The whole college application process was new to me and Mrs. Atkins went above and beyond to make sure I knew exactly how it worked and what to look for in a college. She took part of her personal time to guide me and help me with the application process. I wouldn’t be the person I am if she didn’t tell me about a little liberal arts college in Burlington, VT. That college changed my life and she will always be a big part of it.



Hannah Roque ’21, Middlebury Union High School, Middlebury , VT , honors Allison Stebe:

The school counseling staff at Middlebury Union High School helped me throughout my college application process during my senior year of high school, and while I was looking to transfer during my freshman year of college. They helped me find colleges with small, community-oriented and gave me valuable guidance throughout the transfer process. I would not be where I am without the help of the MUHS School Counseling staff.

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