Accelerated Summer College lets students get ahead, save money, or catch up

February 15, 2022
By Kaylee Sayers '23

asc logoThe Accelerated Summer College (ASC) program at Saint Michael’s College is a unique opportunity for students looking to further their academic horizons, keep on track with graduation requirements, or even graduate early.

The ASC program provides students access to supplemental courses over the summer at a fraction of the price of fall and spring semester courses. It also is beneficial for student athletes who wish to have a lighter course load during their sports seasons, students who have changed or added a major/minor later in their college careers, and students who are intrigued by courses outside of their majors/minors.

The ASC program started in 2014 as a residential program and proceeded to add virtual courses in 2017, expanding its reach beyond the confines of the campus community and providing easy access for students who spend summers at home or who do not attend Saint Michael’s College. Now, the program is entirely online with the majority of the courses taught in an “asynchronous fashion” — the term refers to a model that allows students learn on their own schedules, within a certain time frame, accessing and completing lectures, readings, homework and other learning materials at any time during the prescribed period.

The ASC program offers upwards of 15 courses per six-week session and is a convenient way for students to take courses over the summer. The professors are certified to teach online which allows for a straightforward setup and easy access to the course material via the education management system, Canvas.


Alex Colletta ’18

Saint Michael’s College enrolls approximately 275 to 300 students in the ASC program each summer. Students can take up to two courses (eight credits) per session and potentially up to four courses (16 credits) in total, equating to one whole semester in just a summer. The ASC program works in tandem with the “Degree in Three” program in which Saint Michael’s College students can plan to graduate in three years instead of four. The ASC program is convenient for many reasons, though due to the accelerated curriculum, students should expect to spend approximately 20 hours per week per course.

“[The ASC program] allows for convenience for students who go home for the summers, work jobs, and want to spend time with family and friends,” said Alex Colletta ’18, the College’s soon-departing assistant director of operations of online and non-traditional programs.

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