Michael Larsen Dean of the Faculty, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Ph.D., Harvard University, Statistics
M.A., Harvard University, Statistics
B.A., Harvard College, Mathematics cum laude
Courses I Teach
Reasoning with Chance and Data, Elementary Statistics, Biostatistics, Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Data Visualization, Regression Analysis, Statistical Models, Senior Seminar, Topics in Statistics
Interests and Areas of Research
Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Statistical modeling, Survey sampling, Missing data, Record linkage and administrative data, Bayesian methods, Hierarchical models, Confidentiality, and Teaching Statistics
Professional Experience
2024-2026, Dean of Faculty, Saint Michael’s College
2017-present, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Saint Michael’s College
2019-2025, Chair of Mathematics and Statistics, Director of Data Science
2015-2017, Chief Statistician, Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS)
2009-2017, Department of Statistics and Biostatistics Center, Graduate Certificate Program in Survey Design and Data Analysis, George Washington University
2008-2010, Executive Editor, Chance Magazine; 2011-present, Advisory Editor
2003-2009, Department of Statistics and Center for Survey Statistics & Methodology, Iowa State University
1999-2003, Department of Statistics and National Opinion Research Center, The University of Chicago
1997-1999, Department of Statistics, Harvard University
1996-1997, Department of Statistics, Stanford University
Various summers, Mathematical Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau
1995 – present, Statistical Consultant
Mahshie, J.J., Core, C., and Larsen, M.D. (2024). Factors affecting consonant production accuracy in children with cochlear implants: expressive vocabulary and maternal education. International Journal of Communication and Language Disorders. (59) 6 (Nov/Dec): 2312-2332.
Klebanoff, M.A., Schuit, E., et al., Weiner, S., and Larsen, M.D. (2023). Antibiotic treatment of bacterial vaginosis to prevent preterm birth: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 37(3): 239-251. PMID
Larsen, M.D., and Herning, A. (2023). Record Linkage for Establishments: Background, Challenges, and an Example. Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection. Chapter 33: 757-780. Snijkers, G., et al. (editors). Wiley.
Larsen, M.D. (2023). William E. Winkler, Record Linkage, and the Statistical Capacity of the Federal Statistical System. American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section. JSM 2023, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Chun, A.Y., Larsen, M.D., Durrant, G., and Reiter, J.G., Editors. (2021). Administrative Records for Survey Methodology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Bosley, W., Haynes, B., Larsen, M., Perkins, T.D., and van den Berg, A. (2021). Yields from early tapping and taphole “rejuvenation” strategies. Maple Digest.
Mahshie, J.J., and Larsen, M.D. (2021). Contrastive stress production by children with cochlear implants: Accuracy and acoustic characteristics. Journal of the Accoustical Society of America Express Letters, 11(1): 115201.
Lachin, J.M., Bebu, I., Larsen, M.D., and Younes, N. (2019). Closed Testing Using Surrogate Hypotheses with Restricted Alternatives. PLoSONE, 14(7): e0219520.
Wang, J., Larsen, M., Dhanireddy, P., Prince, C., Pearman, G., and Schimpf, M. (2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021). Survey of Veteran Enrollees’ Health and Use of Health Care. Survey Methodology Report.
Sun, W., Larsen, M.D., and Lachin, J.M. (2014). Methods for a Longitudinal Quantitative Outcome With a Multivariate Gaussian Distribution Multi-dimensionally Censored by Therapeutic Intervention. Statistics in Medicine. 33(8): 1288-1306.
Lahiri, P., and Larsen, M.D. (2005). Regression analysis with linked data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 100(469): 222-230. Larsen, M.D., and Rubin, D.B. (2001). Iterative automated record linkage using mixture models. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 96(453): 32-41.
Hsieh, F.Y., Bloch, D.A., and Larsen, M.D. (1998). A simple method for sample size calculation for linear and logistic regression. Statistics in Medicine. 17(14): 1623-1634.
I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, and attended Lincoln East High School, where I played cello, studied German, and competed in debate. For college I attended Harvard. I played cello in the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra and studied math, Russian, a bit of statistics, and a liberal-arts mix of topics. I remained at Harvard for graduate school in statistics during which time I worked summers at the U.S. Census Bureau. My doctoral dissertation was on statistical mixture models and their estimation with application to record linkage problems at Census and a Harvard psychology study on infants (clustering based on responses to novel stimuli). I was promoted to Associate Professor at Iowa State University and Professor at George Washington University before joining Saint Michael’s College in 2017.
Honors and Service (a selection)
Saint Michael’s College
- Dean’s Council of Chairs and Directors, 2019-2024
- Faculty Council, 2023-2024
- Dispute Resolution Committee, 2023-2025
- Faculty Welfare Committee (FWC), 2020-2022
- Retirement Review Committee, 2020-2022
- Budget Review Committee (BRC), 2019-2022
American Statistical Association, lifetime member
- Chair, Record Linkage Interest Group, 2023
- Session Organizer, Joint Statistical Meetings, most recently 2023
- Roundtable presenter, Joint Statistical Meetings, most recently 2023
- President, Washington Statistical Society, 2016-2017
- Chair, Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association, 2016
- ASA Fellows Committee, 2015-2017
- Fellow, American Statistical Association, 2012
- Executive Committee Positions, Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association, 2012
National Science Foundation, Measurement, Methodology, and Statistics Review Panel, 2021-2023
National Institutes of Health, Biostatistical Methods and Research Design Study Section Review Panel, 2013-2016
Distinguished Scholar, U.S. Census Bureau, 2012
President, Sigma Xi chapter at George Washington University, 2011-2014
Elected Member, International Statistical Institute, 2010
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Panel on Census 2010, 2009-2014; NAS Standing Committee on the Census, 2015-2017
Executive Editor, Chance Magazine, 2008-2010
Associate Editor, Annals of Applied Statistics, 2007 – 2017
Faculty Senate Representative, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, 2007-2009
Liberal Arts & Sciences Assembly Representative, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, 2006-2007
Recent News
Michael Larsen concluded work as Principal Investigator on the NSF Grant “Developing a Quantitatively Strong Life Sciences Workforce; NSF”, which was funded 2018-2024 to support students, research, and faculty development at Saint Michael’s College. Also completed was a NASA Vermont Space Grant. (2023-2024). Small Sample Statistical Methods with Application to NASA Human Missions. NASA 2023 Faculty Research Grant Program. (Posted December 2024)
Michael Larsen presented an invited memorial talk at the Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2023, in Toronto: William E. Winkler, Record Linkage, and the Statistical Capacity of the Federal Statistical System, At the same meeting he organized a roundtable meeting: “Organizer & Leader, Record Linkage: Connecting Government, Industry, and Academe” and presented a contributed talk “Multiple Imputation for Aggregate Data in Individual Patient Data Meta-Analyses” in the Survey Research Methods Section, In July of 2023, he gave a similar talk at the International Statistical Institute, World Statistics Congress, Ottawa. (Posted December 2024)
Michael Larsen is coauthor and statistician on an article on treatment of nonsymptomatic bacterial vaginosis to prevent preterm birth (accepted in December 2022). In fall of 2022, he presented at the AAAS STEM symposium on Saint Michael’s College’s NSF S-STEM grant. In 2023, he will be the chair of the Record Linkage Interest Group of the American Statistical Association. (posted February 2023)
Michael Larsen, chair of mathematics and statistics, served on the National Science Foundation Advisory Panel for the Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program. The MMS Program is an interdisciplinary program that supports fundamental work on the development of methods for the social and behavioral sciences. Also, Michael was elected Chair-elect of the new Record Linkage Interest Group (RLIG) of the American Statistical Association. He will be chair-elect in 2022, chair in 2023, and past-chair in 2024. The RLIG aims to bring together individuals interested in deterministic and probabilistic record linkage, entity resolution, data fusion, and statistical matching. He and coauthor James Mahshie of George Washington University had a paper entitled “Contrastive stress production by children with cochlear implants: Accuracy and acoustic characteristics” by the Journal of the Accoustical Society of America. (posted February 2022)
Michael Larsen, professor & chair of mathematics & statistics, is a co-editor of the book Administrative Records for Survey Methodology (Wiley), scheduled to appear in 2021. He was guest co-editor of a special issue on data integration (Statistics in Transition, journal of the Polish Statistical Society) in August of 2020. He is principal investigator on “Methods for missing data in dental research studies” funded by the National Institutes of Health through the Vermont Biomedical Research Network and “Developing a Quantitatively Strong Life Sciences Workforce,” funded by the National Science Foundation. He continues to be an advisory editor for Chance and an associate editor for Annals of Applied Statistics. He contributed to the 2020 Survey of Veteran Enrollees’ Health and Use of Health Care findings report and survey methodology report (2020). He is coauthor with Robert Carlson of “Investigation of methods of handling late returns in the IRS Statistics of Income sample” (2020). (posted February 2021)
Michael Larsen, co-chair of Mathematics and Statistics, was awarded a pilot research grant from the Vermont Genetics Network, funded by the National Institutes of Health, to research missing data methods as applied to dental research studies. Mike had previously collaborated with his brother, Dr. Charles Larsen, a pediatric dentist, assistant professor, and resident director at Stony Brook University, on research projects focused on underserved populations. The project research plan includes involvement of an undergraduate research assistant from Saint Michael’s College. Mike also is engaged in evaluating statistical methodology for the Statistics of Income (SOI) Division of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Survey of Income and in reviewing confidentiality considerations in database publications by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). (posted June 2020)
Michael Larsen, co-chair of the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, coauthored one peer-reviewed paper on hypothesis testing methods in PLoSONE and two reports to the U.S. Veterans Administration on their 2019 health enrollee survey. He continues as associate editor of Annals of Applied Statistics and will be an assistant guest editor for a special volume on data integration of Statistics in Transition, the journal of the Polish Statistical Society. He was nominated and will stand for election to the American Statistical Association’s Council of Chapters Governing Board and its Board of Directors. (posted February 2020)
Michael Larsen of the Saint Michael’s Mathematics and Statistics faculty in recent months: reviewed student papers for the New England Statistical Society’s IBM Student Research Paper competition; refereed articles for statistical journals Biometrika, Annals of Applied Statistics, and Bayesian Analysis; collaborated as a senior statistician for the Veteran’s Administration surveys on Disaster Preparedness of VHA Employees and on Veteran Enrollee’s Health and Health Care Utilization; and, he provided comment on statistical disclosure limitation of low income non-itemized returns in the IRS Survey of Income research file. (posted June 2019)
Michael Larsen, professor of mathematics and statistics, gave a talk entitled “Statistical methods for an individual patient data meta-analysis” at University of Vermont in November. The talk was given in April of 2018 at the University of Norwich as well. Michael also was coauthor on technical statistical reports to three government agencies: one to the U.S. Veterans’ Administration and two to the IRS Statistics of Income Division. The titles of the reports were “2018 Survey of Veteran Enrollees’ Health and Use of Health Care. Survey Methodology Report. Contract No. VA245-17-C-0178. Prepared by Advanced Survey Design, Monterey, CA; September 6, 2018”; second, “Application of multivariate masking and enhanced subsampling to the 2014 individual tax model public use — le. Report to Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income Division; November 15, 2018”: and finally, “Data and Analytic Solutions, Inc. (2018). IRS-SOI variance estimation formula certification suggestions and notes on alternative methods. Statistical Consulting Service TIRNO-17-D-00013 Task Order 0001.” For this report, Michael was bot statistician and primary author. In other career news, Michael joined the Education Committee of the New England Statistical Society, continued to serve as associate editor for the Annals of Applied Statistics and advisory editor for Chance magazine; and served via teleconference on the Panel to Review, National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) 2019: The Provider and Workforce Study, sponsored by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE), Administration for Children and Families. NORC (December 8, 2017; August 4 and 6, 2018). (posted January 2019)
Michael Larsen, professor of mathematics and statistics, advises PhD student Yuan Li, who passed his final oral PhD exam at George Washington University. Michael was Li’s PhD advisor in the George Washington Department of Statistics. Michael also was appointed to the Education Committee of the New England Statistical Society, and continues to serve as advisory editor to Chance magazine, associate editor of the Annals of Applied Statistics, and frequent reviewer for ad hoc journals, publishers, and granting agencies. (posted June 2018)