Laura Crain Director of Library and Information Services

Recent News
Elizabeth Scott of the Durick Library staff with support from Library and Information Services Director Laura Crain created a new display in the library during fall semester. Liz, the longtime College archivist, said the display celebrates “the trailblazers of Saint Michael’s College and their diverse identities.” Located directly to the left upon entering the library through the main front doors, the display consists of images and information on panels within a glass case. The goals of the exhibit are to showcase the rich materials found in the College and Society of Saint Edmund Archives, and to connect students with primary source materials and historical research, Laura said. The display’s 18 panels tell the stories of Saint Michael’s individuals who reflect and/or contributed to diversity at the institution.
(posted February 2022)
Laura Crain became Saint Michael’s College’s new director of library and information services in Durick Library starting August 1 with the departure of longtime director John Payne. She was the College’s Collection Manager since 1996 until her recent promotion.
(posted February 2020)